The first thing a reader can say is that he understands or that he does not.读书有一个前提,要在自己能够看懂内容的情况下继续阅读下去,切不可囫囵吞枣地阅读。 In fact, he must say he understands, in order to say more. If he does not understand, he should keep his peace and go back to work on the first two readings of the book. 一旦遇到不理解的词语或者是句子,就要回过头来研究,知己知彼才能与作者达成共识,同时做好记录与书评,对提高阅读与理解能力有很大的帮助。

We will feel that way about it yourself. But perhaps I should remind you that these rules describe an ideal performance. Few people have ever read any book in this ideal manner, and those who have, probably read very few books this way. The ideal remains, however, the measure of achievement. You are a good reader in the degree to which you approximate it. 这些规则描述了一个理想的阅读,很少有人以这种理想的方式读过任何一本书,而那些拥有这本书的人,可能自己阅读的次数更少,然而,理想仍然是衡量成就的标准。你是不是一个很好的读者,就体现在你对这本书的理解程度。
