

作者: 摸不去的尘 | 来源:发表于2016-11-03 01:09 被阅读43次
    ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~$ ps --help
    ********* simple selection *********  ********* selection by list *********
    -A all processes                      -C by command name
    -N negate selection                   -G by real group ID (supports names)
    -a all w/ tty except session leaders  -U by real user ID (supports names)
    -d all except session leaders         -g by session OR by effective group name
    -e all processes                      -p by process ID
    T  all processes on this terminal     -s processes in the sessions given
    a  all w/ tty, including other users  -t by tty
    g  OBSOLETE -- DO NOT USE             -u by effective user ID (supports names)
    r  only running processes             U  processes for specified users
    x  processes w/o controlling ttys     t  by tty
    *********** output format **********  *********** long options ***********
    -o,o user-defined  -f full            --Group --User --pid --cols --ppid
    -j,j job control   s  signal          --group --user --sid --rows --info
    -O,O preloaded -o  v  virtual memory  --cumulative --format --deselect
    -l,l long          u  user-oriented   --sort --tty --forest --version
    -F   extra full    X  registers       --heading --no-heading --context
                        ********* misc options *********
    -V,V  show version      L  list format codes  f  ASCII art forest
    -m,m,-L,-T,H  threads   S  children in sum    -y change -l format
    -M,Z  security data     c  true command name  -c scheduling class
    -w,w  wide output       n  numeric WCHAN,UID  -H process hierarchy


    ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~$ ps -ef|head -2
    UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
    root         1     0  0 22:41 ?        00:00:00 /sbin/init
    ps-A-ostat,ppid,pid,cmd|grep-e'^[Zz]'|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9
    ps -A -opid
           CODE   NORMAL   HEADER
           %C     pcpu     %CPU
           %G     group    GROUP
           %P     ppid     PPID
           %U     user     USER
           %a     args     COMMAND
           %c     comm     COMMAND
           %g     rgroup   RGROUP
           %n     nice     NI
           %p     pid      PID
           %r     pgid     PGID
           %t     etime    ELAPSED
           %u     ruser    RUSER
           %x     time     TIME
           %y     tty      TTY
           %z     vsz      VSZ
    显示进程,按照uid从小到大,运行时间从长到短排序 (-代表逆序)
    ps -ef | --sort=uid,-time
          KEY   LONG          DESCRIPTION
           c     cmd          simple name of executable
           C     pcpu         cpu utilization
           f     flags        flags as in long format F field
           g     pgrp         process group ID
           G     tpgid        controlling tty process group ID
           j     cutime       cumulative user time
           J     cstime       cumulative system time
           k     utime        user time
           m     min_flt      number of minor page faults
           M     maj_flt      number of major page faults
           n     cmin_flt     cumulative minor page faults
           N     cmaj_flt     cumulative major page faults
           o     session      session ID
           p     pid          process ID
           P     ppid         parent process ID
           r     rss          resident set size
           R     resident     resident pages
           s     size         memory size in kilobytes
           S     share        amount of shared pages
           t     tty          the device number of the controlling tty
           T     start_time   time process was started
           U     uid          user ID number
           u     user         user name
           v     vsize        total VM size in kB
           y     priority     kernel scheduling priority



