

作者: Ada的学习笔记 | 来源:发表于2019-02-18 06:39 被阅读3次

    Wait Wait Wait

    that I 连读thadai     

    All our 连读

    nit-picking 鸡蛋里面挑骨头 picky

    tardy fl.=late  ~reply 

    I hate to say that...

    Today’s well-spent.没白过,充实

    (as) much as 尽管

    marked progress 明显的进步

    speak of the devil 说曹操曹操到

    deviled: (of food) cooked with hot seasoning..    "deviled eggs"

    better the devil you know 两个都不好的情况,选熟悉的。

    mental breakdown/ have a breakdown 

    Yesterday Once More

    Music is an antidote to loneliness, bordom, and basically everything. When I was young, I'd listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs. I grow up listening to Jay Chou's music.

    dance to music 随音乐跳舞

    unsung hero 幕后英雄

    copy/roger (that)  (军事)收到信息

    my all-time favorite English teacher 始终是我最喜欢的

    rain or shine 风雨无阻 

    through thick and thin 生死与共,风雨同舟

    a tear-jerker/tear jerking 催人泪下的作品

    page-turner : a book, story, etc., that is difficult to stop reading because it is so interesting 引人入胜的书/故事 

    goodie oldie days 美好的旧时光 It's oldie but goodie

    Déjà vu 似曾相识

    let bygones be bygones 让过去成为过去

    a washed-up actress/a has-been过气明星

    make a comeback 东山再起/复出


    just chilling 随便逛逛

    chill 冷静= easy

    chill out;kick/lay back 放松

    one on one 一对一

    stay where you are/ stay put 待在原地

    come over unannounced/come prepared

    strike a pose 凹造型

    He struck me as a very serious but friendly person. 给人一种……的感觉

    What struck me as interesting is how much we judge other people by the clothes they wear. 让我觉得很有意思的是我们经常以衣取人。

    You've always struck me as being an angry man. 我感觉你好像总是一副气冲冲的样子。

    Eric always cracks me up. 让人哈哈大笑

    crank up the AC/volume 调大

    Cry On My Shoulder



