IROS2018 SLAM Collections
This repository contains SLAM papers from IROS2018.
Visual Inertial Odometry
- A Tutorial on Quantitative Trajectory Evaluation for Visual(-Inertial) Odometry, Zichao Zhang, Davide Scaramuzza [pdf] [code]
Challenges in Monocular Visual Odometry Photometric Calibration, Motion Bias and Rolling Shutter Effect, Nan Yang
, Rui Wang, Xiang Gao, and Daniel Cremers [pdf] - CVI-SLAM – Collaborative Visual-Inertial SLAM, Marco Karrer, Patrik Schmuck, Margarita Chli [pdf]
- Embedding Temporally Consistent Depth Recovery for Real-time Dense Mapping in Visual-inertial Odometry, Hui Cheng, Zhuoqi Zheng, Jinhao He, Chongyu Chen, Keze Wang, and Liang Lin
- Hybrid Contact Preintegration for Visual-Inertial-Contact State Estimation Using Factor Graphs, Ross Hartley, Maani Ghaffari Jadidi, Lu Gan, Jiunn-Kai Huang, Jessy W. Grizzle, and Ryan M. Eustice [pdf] [video]
- Information Sparsification in Visual-Inertial Odometry, Jerry Hsiung, Ming Hsiao, Eric Westman, Rafael Valencia, and Michael Kaess [pdf]
- Key-Frame Strategy During Fast Image-Scale Changes and Zero Motion in VIO Without Persistent Features, Eren Allak, Alexander Hardt-Stremayr, and Stephan Weiss
- On the Comparison of Gauge Freedom Handling in Optimization-based Visual-Inertial State Estimation, Zichao Zhang, Guillermo Gallego, Davide Scaramuzza [pdf]
- Online Temporal Calibration for Monocular Visual-Inertial Systems, Tong Qin and Shaojie Shen [pdf] [code]
- Real-Time Fully Incremental Scene Understanding on Mobile Platforms, Johanna Wald, Keisuke Tateno, Jurgen Sturm, Nassir Navab, and Federico Tombari [pdf] [project]
- The TUM VI Benchmark for Evaluating Visual-Inertial Odometry, David Schubert, Thore Goll, Nikolaus Demmel, Vladyslav Usenko, Jorg Stuckler and Daniel Cremers [pdf] [dataset]
Trifo-VIO: Robust and Efficient Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry using
Points and Lines, Feng Zheng, Grace Tsai, Zhe Zhang, Shaoshan Liu, Chen-Chi Chu, and Hongbing Hu [pdf] [dataset] - π-SoC Heterogeneous SoC Architecture for Visual Inertial SLAM Applications, Jie Tang, Bo Yu, Shaoshan Liu, Zhe Zhang, Weikang Fang, and Yanjun Zhang
- Robocentric Visual-Inertial Odometry, Zheng Huai, Guoquan Huang [pdf]
- Robust Visual-Inertial State Estimation with Multiple Odometries and Efficient Mapping on an MAV with Ultra-Wide FOV Stereo Vision, M. G. Müller, F. Steidle, M. J. Schuster, P. Lutz, M. Maier, S. Stoneman, T. Tomic, W. Stürzl
- Unscented Kalman Filter on Lie Groups for Visual_Inertial Odometry, Martin Brossard, Silvere Bonnabel, Axel Barrau [pdf]
RGBD Camera
- Perception Based Locomotion System for a Humanoid Robot with Adaptive Footstep Compensation under Task Constraints, Iori Kumagai, Mitsuharu Morisawa, Shin’ichiro Nakaoka, Takeshi Sakaguchi, Hiroshi Kaminaga, Kenji Kaneko, Fumio Kanehiro
- Real-time 3D Reconstruction Using a Combination of Point-based and Volumetric Fusion , Maik Keller, Damien Lefloch, Martin Lambers, Shahram Izadi, Tim Weyrich, Andreas Kolb [pdf]
- Edge-based Robust RGB-D Visual Odometry_Using 2-D Edge Divergence Minimization, Changhyeon Kim, Pyojin Kim, Sangil Lee and H. Jin Kim
- A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Extract Polylines from 2-D Laser Range Scans, Alexander Schaefer, Daniel Buscher, Lukas Luft, Wolfram Burgard [pdf] [code]
- A robust pose graph approach for city scale LiDAR mapping, Sheng Yang, Xiaoling Zhu, Xing Nian, Lu Feng, Xiaozhi Qu and Teng Ma
- Dynamic Scaling Factors of Covariances for Accurate 3D Normal Distributions Transform Registration , Hyunki Hong and B. H. Lee
- Integrating Deep Semantic Segmentation into 3D Point Cloud Registration Anestis Zaganidis, Li Sun, Tom Duckett, Grzegorz Cielniak [pdf]
- LIMO Lidar-Monocular Visual Odometry, Johannes Graeter, Alexander Wilczynski and Martin Lauer [pdf] [code]
- LIPS LiDAR-Inertial 3D Plane SLAM, Patrick Geneva, Kevin Eckenhoff, Yulin Yang and Guoquan Huang [pdf] [code]
- PoseMap Lifelong, Multi-Environment 3D LiDAR Localization, Philipp Egger, Paulo V K Borges, Gavin Catt, Andreas Pfrunder, Roland Siegwart, Renaud Dubé [pdf] [video1] [video2]
Stabilize an Unsupervised Feature Learning for LiDAR-based Place Recognition, Peng Yin, Lingyun Xu, Zhe Liu, Lu Li, Hadi Salman, Yuqing He,
Weiliang Xu, Hesheng Wang and Howie Choset - Stereo Camera Localization in 3D LiDAR Maps, Youngji Kim, Jinyong Jeong and Ayoung Kim [video]
- LeGO-LOAM_ Lightweight and Ground-Optimized_Lidar Odometry and Mapping on Variable Terrain, Tixiao Shan and Brendan Englot [pdf] [code] [video]
- LiDAR and Camera Calibration using Motions Estimated by Sensor_Fusion Odometry, Ryoichi Ishikawa, Takeshi Oishi and Katsushi Ikeuchi [pdf]
- Scan Context: Egocentric Spatial Descriptor for Place Recognition within 3D Point Cloud Map, Giseop Kim and Ayoung Kim
Event Camera
- AsynchronousCornerDetectionandTrackingforEventCamerasinReal-Time, Ignacio Alzugaray and Margarita Chli [pdf] [video]
- A B-spline Mapping Framework for Long-Term Autonomous Operations, Rômulo T. Rodrigues, A. Pedro Aguiar and António Pascoal [video]
- C-blox A Scalable and Consistent TSDF-based Dense Mapping Approach, Alexander Millane, Zachary Taylor, Helen Oleynikova, Juan Nieto, Roland Siegwart, César Cadena [pdf] [code]
- Efficient Long-term Mapping in Dynamic Environments, Marı́a T. Lázaro, Roberto Capobianco and Giorgio Grisetti [code]
- HMAPs – Hybrid Height-Voxel Maps for Environment Representation, Luı́s Garrote, Cristiano Premebida, David Silva, Urbano J. Nunes
- Human-in-the-loop Augmented Mapping, Abbas Sidaoui, Imad H. Elhajj, and Daniel Asmar
- Structured Skip List A Compact Data Structure for 3D Reconstruction, Shi-Jie Li, Ming-Ming Cheng, Yun Liu, Shao-Ping Lu, YaHui Wang, Victor Adrian Prisacariu [pdf]
SLAM System
- ArthroSLAM: multi-sensor robust visual localization for minimally invasive orthopedic surgery, Andres Marmol, Peter Corke, Thierry Peynot
- DynaSLAM Tracking, Mapping and Inpainting in Dynamic Scenes, Berta Bescos, José M. Fácil, Javier Civera and José Neira [pdf] [[video]]( goFmQs)
- Improving Repeatability of Experiments by Automatic Evaluation of SLAM Algorithms, Francesco Amigoni, Valerio Castelli, and Matteo Luperto [code]
- Indoor Mapping and Localization for Pedestrians using Opportunistic Sensing with Smartphones, Qing Liang, Lujia Wang, Youfu Li and Ming Liu [video]
- MIS-SLAM Real-time Large Scale Dense Deformable SLAM System in Minimal Invasive Surgery Based on Heterogeneous Computing, Jingwei Song, Jun Wang, Liang Zhao, Shoudong Huang and Gamini Dissanayake [pdf]
- Omnidirectional DSO Direct Sparse Odometry with Fisheye Cameras, Hidenobu Matsuki, Lukas von Stumberg, Vladyslav Usenko, Jörg Stückler and Daniel Cremers [pdf] [video]
- OpenSeqSLAM2.0 An Open Source Toolbox for Visual Place Recognition Under Changing Conditions, Ben Talbot, Sourav Garg, and Michael Milford [pdf] [code]
- Probabilistic Dense Reconstruction from a Moving Camera, Yonggen Ling, Kaixuan Wang and Shaojie Shen [code] [video]
- Robust Long-Term Registration of UAV Images of Crop Fields for Precision Agriculture, Nived Chebrolu Thomas Läbe and Cyrill Stachniss [pdf]
- Semi-Supervised SLAM Leveraging Low-Cost Sensors on Underground Autonomous Vehicles for Position Tracking, Adam Jacobson, Fan Zeng, David Smith, Nigel Boswell, Thierry Peynot and Michael Milford
- Towards Robust Visual Odometry with a Multi-Camera System, Peidong Liu, Marcel Geppert, Lionel Heng, Torsten Sattler, Andreas Geiger and Marc Pollefeys [pdf] [code]
- Fast Cylinder and Plane Extraction from Depth Cameras for Visual_Odometry, Pedro F. Proença and Yang Gao [pdf] [code] [video]
- Geometric-based Line Segment Tracking for HDR Stereo Sequences, Ruben Gomez-Ojeda, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez [pdf] [code]
- Multimotion Visual Odometry (MVO): Simultaneous Estimation of Camera and Third-Party Motions, Kevin M. Judd and Jonathan D. Gammell and Paul Newman [pdf]
- Reliable fusion of black-box estimates of underwater localization, Hendry Ferreira Chame, Matheus Machado dos Santos, Sı́lvia Silva da Costa Botelho [code]
Stereo Visual Odometry and Semantics based Localization of Aerial_Robots in Indoor Environments, Hriday Bavle, Stephan Manthe, Paloma de la Puente,
Alejandro Rodriguez-Ramos, Carlos Sampedro, Pascual Campoy [video]
- LDSO Direct Sparse Odometry with Loop Closure, Xiang Gao, Rui Wang, Nikolaus Demmel and Daniel Cremers [pdf] [code] [video]
- Predicting Objective Function Change in Pose-Graph Optimization, Fang Bai, Teresa Vidal-Calleja, Shoudong Huang, and Rong Xiong
- Scan Similarity-based Pose Graph Construction Method for Graph SLAM,Wonsok Yoo, Hanjun Kim, Hyunki Hong, and Beom H. Lee [pdf]
- Submap-based Pose-graph Visual SLAM A Robust Visual Exploration and Localization System, Weinan Chen, Lei Zhu, Yisheng Guan, C. Ronald Kube, Hong Zhang [pdf]
- Virtual Occupancy Grid Map for Submap-based Pose Graph SLAM and Planning in 3D Environments, Bing-Jui Ho, Paloma Sodhi, Pedro Teixeira, Ming Hsiao, Tushar Kusnur, and Michael Kaess [pdf]
- A Combined RGB and Depth Deor for SLAM with Humanoids, Rasha Sheikh, Stefan Oßwald and Maren Bennewitz [pdf] [code]
- Good Feature Selection for Least Squares Pose Optimization in VOVSLAM, Yipu Zhao and Patricio A. Vela
- HBST A Hamming Distance embedding Binary Search Tree for Feature-based Visual Place Recognition, Dominik Schlegel and Giorgio Grisetti [pdf] [code]
- Keyframe-based Photometric Online Calibration and Color Correction, Jan Quenzel, Jannis Horn, Sebastian Houben and Sven Behnke [pdf] [video]
- Optimized Contrast Enhancements to Improve Robustness of Visual Tracking in a SLAM Relocalisation Context, Xi Wang, Marc Christie, Eric Marchand [pdf]
- Robust Camera Pose Estimation via Consensus on Ray Bundle and Vector Field, Haoang Li, Ji Zhao, Jean-Charles Bazin, Lei Luo, Junlin Wu and Jian Yao
- Unit Quaternion-based Parameterization for Point Features in Visual Navigation, James Maley and Guoquan Huang
- Perspective Correcting Visual Odometry for Agile MAVs using a Pixel Processor Array, Colin Greatwood, Laurie Bose, Thomas Richardson, Walterio Mayol-Cuevas, Jianing Chen, Stephen J. Carey and Piotr Dudek [pdf] [video]
- A Variational Feature Encoding Method of 3D Object for Probabilistic Semantic SLAM, H. W. Yu and B. H. Lee [pdf]
- Bayesian Information Recovery from CNN for Probabilistic Inference, Dmitry Kopitkov and Vadim Indelman [pdf]
- DS-SLAM A Semantic Visual SLAM towards Dynamic Environments, Chao Yu, Zuxin Liu, Xin-Jun Liu, Fugui Xie, Yi Yang, Qi Wei, Qiao Fei [pdf]
- Fast and Accurate Semantic Mapping through Geometric-based Incremental Segmentation, Yoshikatsu Nakajima, Keisuke Tateno, Federico Tombari and Hideo Saito [pdf]
- Integrating Deep Semantic Segmentation into 3D Point Cloud Registration, Anestis Zaganidis, LiSun, Tom Duckett, and Grzegorz Cielniak [pdf]
- Learning monocular visual odometry with dense 3D mapping from dense 3D flow, Cheng Zhao, Li Sun, Pulak Purkait, Tom Duckett and Rustam Stolkin [pdf]
- Localization of Classified Objects in SLAM using Nonparametric Statistics and Clustering, Asif Iqbal 1 and Nicholas R. Gans
- Pose Estimation and Map Formation with Spiking Neural Networks towards Neuromorphic SLAM, Raphaela Kreiser, Panin Pienroj, Alpha Renner, and Yulia Sandamirskaya [pdf]
- Robust Exploration with Multiple Hypothesis Data Association, Jinkun Wang and Brendan Englot [pdf]
- Semantic Monocular SLAM for Highly Dynamic Environments, Nikolas Brasch, Aljaz Bozic, Joe Lallemand, Federico Tombari
- Unsupervised Odometry and Depth Learning for Endoscopic Capsule Robots, Mehmet Turan, Evin Pinar Ornek, Nail Ibrahimli, Can Giracoglu, Yasin Almalioglu,Mehmet Fatih Yanik, and Metin Sitti [pdf]