[ECMAScript] ES 2017的二级目录结构

[ECMAScript] ES 2017的二级目录结构

作者: 何幻 | 来源:发表于2017-06-30 14:25 被阅读9次

    ECMAScript 2017 规范已经发布了,这一版目录结构非常清晰,
    以下是ES 2017规范的二级目录结构:

    1 Scope
    2 Conformance
    3 Normative References
    4 Overview
        4.1 Web Scripting
        4.2 ECMAScript Overview
        4.3 Terms and Definitions
        4.4 Organization of This Specification
    5 Notational Conventions
        5.1 Syntactic and Lexical Grammars
        5.2 Algorithm Conventions
        5.3 Static Semantic Rules
    6 ECMAScript Data Types and Values
        6.1 ECMAScript Language Types
        6.2 ECMAScript Specification Types
    7 Abstract Operations
        7.1 Type Conversion
        7.2 Testing and Comparison Operations
        7.3 Operations on Objects
        7.4 Operations on Iterator Objects
    8 Executable Code and Execution Contexts
        8.1 Lexical Environments
        8.2 Realms
        8.3 Execution Contexts
        8.4 Jobs and Job Queues
        8.5 InitializeHostDefinedRealm()
        8.6 RunJobs()
        8.7 Agents
        8.8 Agent Clusters
        8.9 Forward Progress
    9 Ordinary and Exotic Objects Behaviours
        9.1 Ordinary Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots
        9.2 ECMAScript Function Objects
        9.3 Built‑in Function Objects
        9.4 Built‑in Exotic Object Internal Methods and Slots
        9.5 Proxy Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots
    10 ECMAScript Language: Source Code
        10.1 Source Text
        10.2 Types of Source Code
    11 ECMAScript Language: Lexical Grammar
        11.1 Unicode Format‑Control Characters
        11.2 White Space
        11.3 Line Terminators
        11.5 Tokens
        11.6 Names and Keywords
        11.7 Punctuators
        11.8 Literals
        11.9 Automatic Semicolon Insertion
    12 ECMAScript Language: Expressions
        12.1 Identifiers
        12.2 Primary Expression
        12.3 Left‑Hand‑Side Expressions
        12.4 Update Expressions
        12.5 Unary Operators
        12.6 Exponentiation Operator
        12.7 Multiplicative Operators
        12.8 Additive Operators
        12.9 Bitwise Shift Operators
        12.10 Relational Operators
        12.11 Equality Operators
        12.12 Binary Bitwise Operators
        12.13 Binary Logical Operators
        12.14 Conditional Operator (?:)
        12.15 Assignment Operators
        12.16 Comma Operator (,)    
    13 ECMAScript Language: Statements and Declarations
        13.1 Statement Semantics
        13.2 Block
        13.3 Declarations and the Variable Statement
        13.4 Empty Statement
        13.5 Expression Statement
        13.6 The if Statement
        13.7 Iteration Statements
        13.8 The continue Statement
        13.9 The break Statement
        13.10 The return Statement
        13.11 The with Statement
        13.12 The switch Statement
        13.13 Labelled Statements
        13.14 The throw Statement
        13.15 The try Statement
        13.16 The debugger Statement
    14 ECMAScript Language: Functions and Classes
        14.1 Function Definitions
        14.2 Arrow Function Definitions
        14.3 Method Definitions
        14.4 Generator Function Definitions
        14.5 Class Definitions
        14.6 Async Function Definitions
        14.7 Async Arrow Function Definitions
        14.8 Tail Position Calls
    15 ECMAScript Language: Scripts and Modules
        15.1 Scripts
        15.2 Modules
    16 Error Handling and Language Extensions
        16.1 HostReportErrors(errorList)
        16.2 Forbidden Extensions
    17 ECMAScript Standard Built‑in Objects
    18 The Global Object
        18.1 Value Properties of the Global Object
        18.2 Function Properties of the Global Object
        18.3 Constructor Properties of the Global Object
        18.4 Other Properties of the Global Object
    19 Fundamental Objects
        19.1 Object Objects
        19.2 Function Objects
        19.3 Boolean Objects
        19.4 Symbol Objects
        19.5 Error Objects    
    20 Numbers and Dates
        20.1 Number Objects
        20.2 The Math Object
        20.3 Date Objects    
    21 Text Processing
        21.1 String Objects
        21.2 RegExp (Regular Expression) Objects
    22 Indexed Collections
        22.1 Array Objects
        22.2 TypedArray Objects
    23 Keyed Collection
        23.1 Map Objects
        23.2 Set Objects
        23.3 WeakMap Objects
        23.4 WeakSet Objects
    24 Structured Data
        24.1 ArrayBuffer Objects
        24.2 SharedArrayBuffer Objects
        24.3 DataView Objects
        24.4 The Atomics Object
        24.5 The JSON Object
    25 Control Abstraction Objects
        25.1 Iteration
        25.2 GeneratorFunction Objects
        25.3 Generator Objects
        25.4 Promise Objects
        25.5 AsyncFunction Objects
    26 Reflection
        26.1 The Reflect Object
        26.2 Proxy Objects
        26.3 Module Namespace Objects
    27 Memory Model
        27.1 Memory Model Fundamentals
        27.2 Agent Events Records
        27.3 Chosen Value Records
        27.4 Candidate Executions
        27.5 Abstract Operations for the Memory Model
        27.6 Relations of Candidate Executions
        27.7 Properties of Valid Executions
        27.8 Races
        27.9 Data Races
        27.10 Data Race Freedom
        27.11 Shared Memory Guidelines
    A Grammar Summary
    B Additional ECMAScript Features for Web Browsers
    C The Strict Mode of ECMAScript
    D Corrections and Clarifications in ECMAScript 2015 with Possible Compatibility Impact
    E Additions and Changes That Introduce Incompatibilities with Prior Editions
    F Bibliography
    G Copyright & Software License


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