Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

作者: 苏格拉无底 | 来源:发表于2017-02-06 17:27 被阅读14次

从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。年前年后我共有 12 天课,每天我会分享 5 个 idioms & phrases (习语和短语)。也就是说,如果你跟着我的节奏每天定量去学习,那么一个寒假你至少能掌握 60 个有意思的习语和短语。当然,你可能会问“为什么要学习习语和短语?”,这事儿我说了不算,在这里引用一段文字希望能让你感受到习语的用处——

Idiom: a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language

Every language has its own collection of wise sayings. They offer advice about how to live and also transfer some underlying ideas, principles and values of a given culture / society. These sayings are called "idioms" - or proverbs if they are longer. These combinations of words have (rarely complete sentences) a "figurative meaning" meaning, they basically work with "pictures".

如果你被这番话说服了,那么就行动起来吧。每个短语都会配上简单的英文注释和例句,相信对大家的理解会有帮助的 _

Day 8

36. Put Someone In Their Place

**Description: **
If someone causes offence or irritation by speaking or behaving in an inappropriate manner, you put them in their place by letting them know that they are not as important as they seem to believe.

**Example: **
The new trainee is not in a position to criticize our methods. He needs to be put in his place!

在第 1 季第 4 集的 Roast Battle(吐槽大战)冠亚军对战中,最后的冠军 Mike 用如下的方式吐槽了亚军 Sarah,此处就用了 put someone in their place 这个习语。这个吐槽其实包含了一个一语双关的梗,place 在这个习语中的意思类似于“身份”,同时也有“位置”的意思。

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37. Can't Stand The Pace

**Description: **
If you can't stand the pace, you are unable to do things well when there is a lot of pressure.

**Example: **
She once worked for a famous fashion designer but she couldn't stand the pace.

38. Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve

**Description: **
to make your feelings and emotions obvious rather than hiding them

**Example: **
You always know where John stands because he wears his heart on his sleeve.

39. Bare Your Heart / Soul

**Description: **
If you bare you soul (or heart) to someone, you reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings to them.

**Example: **
Mike couldn't keep things to himself any longer. He decided to bare his soul to his best friend.

40. Bark Up Wrong Tree

**Description: **
A person who is barking up the wrong tree is doing the wrong thing, because their beliefs or ideas are incorrect or mistaken.

**Example: **
The police are barking up the wrong tree if they think Joey stole the car - he can't drive!


enjoy !


  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...

  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...

  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...

  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...

  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...

  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...

  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...

  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...

  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...

  • Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

    从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。...


      本文标题:Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec
