2019-10-29 #17 给别人建议

2019-10-29 #17 给别人建议

作者: 二天北 | 来源:发表于2019-11-22 17:52 被阅读0次

Part 2

Describe a time that you gave advice to others.

You should say:

Who you gave advice to

What the advice was

Why you gave advice

And how you felt about the advice


Ok, I would tell you the time I advise my husband about his working habits. My husband is working as a teacher. Sometimes he worked till very late at night. I understood the importance of his work but I also knew that this was never a healthy habit to pick up. So one night, he was working very late again. I decided to wait until he finished his work. So I sit next to him, pretending I was also doing something. He was in front of his computer concentrating on his handouts. It was not until 11:30 he started to notice I was still awake. He asked me to go to bed first. And I refused. I said it was important for me to stay up with my husband. Perhaps his work was very important, so he went back and kept working till 1:30. He realised something was wrong. I was still with him, and watching him doing his work. He put away his work and told me it was not healthy for me. So I tried to see his problem from another angle. I told him I knew he worried about my health, and I worried about his, too. I told him to try to sleep early and do the work in the morning. He then realised what I did and felt so moved. Ever since, he never stayed up working too late.  I felt that this was the most successful advice I gave because it actually worked.

Part 3

What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?

Parents give their children only one kind of advice. The advice only the one who love you unconditionally will give. Their advice may not be the best or even fit. But they are giving them out of love and support. I think that's worth more than any other things.

How do experts give advice to others?(e.g. a doctor gives advice to his patients)

Well, the experts will have a more thorough understanding of the situation and so that they can give advice fit to the problem. More importantly, their advice will sound more confident. For example, a sick person, say he had common cold, so he was having a fever and a sore throat. His friend would tell him to drink some herbal tea or stay in bed. I mean everybody would have their own theory. And if you ask the doctor, he will simply say, drink more fluid. very professional,no 'can', no 'may', no 'it should help'. That is how experts give advice.

What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

Basically, when I was growing up, my parents gave advice to me like every parent does. They told me to make as many friends as possible but also to stay away from those bad kids, you know, those who don't study hard or those with bad attitude. Sometimes I thought this was contradictory, and I understood my parents were not some experts in education. But the advice was right and it helped to shape the view of me when I was a teenage girl. I was grateful that I was growing up with this advice.

Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?

Well, both are helpful, actually. Parents' advice might not be popular among younger generation, teenagers think they are out dated. They are more likely to listen to the advice from their friends. But it doesn't mean friends' advice is more helpful than parents'. while friends' advice may be closer to your understanding, parents' advice may also be more helpful because of their life experience. So it is really hard to say which one is more helpful. I mean It is always helpful to get a piece of advice. 


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