学习笔记 // 170210

学习笔记 // 170210

作者: _Estella_Xiao | 来源:发表于2017-02-13 11:13 被阅读0次

    <The Kite Runner>

    what he had fished out of his pocket.    

    (从…中)取出,拿出,拖出  If you  fish something  out from somewhere, you take or pull it out, often after searching for it for some time.

    his voice dripping with disgust.

    含有;充满;充溢 If you say that something is dripping with a particular thing, you mean that it contains a lot of that thing.

    I almost blurted.

    脱口而出;说漏嘴 If someone blurts something, they say it suddenly, after trying hard to keep quiet or to keep it secret.



          本文标题:学习笔记 // 170210
