英译汉《HPV 》

英译汉《HPV 》

作者: 阿诺_1997 | 来源:发表于2019-03-01 10:11 被阅读5次
    英译汉《HPV 》


    From VOA Learning English,this is the Health Report.

    Zambia has one of the highest rates of,cervical cancer in the world,90 of every 100,000 Zambian women,get the preventable disease.


    The Zambian government recently,launched a program to vaccinate school girls,against the Human Papilloma Virus - HPV.

    近日,赞比亚政府成立了一个给学龄期女生接种疫苗以预防人乳头状瘤病毒——HPV 的项目。

    The virus is known to cause cervical cancer.HPV can spread through sexual contact.


    The government hopes to vaccinate school girls,between the ages of 9 - 11 against HPV.

    政府希望为9-11岁的女孩接种疫苗以抵抗HPV 。

    The program was launched in May at several schools.


    One of them is the Kalingalinga Primary School in Lusaka,about 100 students there received the HPV vaccine.


    Euphrasia Mweshi Mutale is a teacher,she was involved in efforts to inform the community,about what was expected to be a sensitive subject.

    Euphrasia Mweshi Mutale(人名)老师参与了向公众宣传(接种疫苗)的工作,这被认为是一个敏感的话题。

    Miss Mutale is happy with the earlier results.


    She says people involved in the program,met with parents and teachers to tell them,why it is good to vaccinate the girls.


    She knows there have been no immediate reported,side effects from the vaccine,like high body temperature or skin discoloration.


    Mulindi Mwanahamuntu is the director of,the Cervical Cancer Prevention Program in Zambia.

    Mulindi Mwanahamuntu(人名)是赞比亚地区子宫颈癌预防项目的人事管理。

    He says health officials want to,vaccinate 25,000 girls as part of the of program,but he says there was some resistance,from churches and other groups.


    "The very fact that it is given to the pre-sexual years,it would indicate to others that we are permitting children,therefore to go out and have sex.",

    “事实上在发生性行为之前的年纪(接种HPV 疫苗),它会给他人传达出这样的信息,即允许孩子们出去做爱。”

    Zambian and international health officials,are working to break the resistance,by educating communities in different ways.


    Dr. Pelum-Hazeley is with the United Nations.

    She starts in a local radio program called Celebrating Life.


    Her program aims to educate listeners on medical issues,so they can make the right decisions for their children.


    "We just have to continue educating the people,because if someone has had a complication,and of course there are reasons why there are complications.It does not necessarily mean the same thing is going to happen here.",


    The World Health Organization rates Zambia third,on its list of highest death rates from cervical cancer.


    The country also has the highest cervical cancer rate in Africa.


    And that's the Health Report from VOA Learning English。


    听力原文来自VOA ,译文原创。



          本文标题:英译汉《HPV 》
