

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2018-12-15 20:29 被阅读84次

    1. 近月制动

    braking at perilune

    China's Chang'e 4 robotic probe completed its braking at perilune and entered lunar orbit on Wednesday, marking a major step in its mission to make a soft landing on the moon's far side. 


    完成首次近月制动(complete its first braking at perilune)

    进入距月面约100公里的椭圆形环月轨道(enter an elliptical lunar orbit about 100 km above the surface)

    地月转移轨道(Earth-Moon transfer orbit)


    绕月飞行(orbit around the moon)

    发射升空(lift/blast off)

    实施了一次轨道修正(the trajectory of the spacecraft was adjusted)

    确保其不偏离前往月球的正确轨道(make sure it remains on the right track toward the silver sphere)

    高度和倾角(altitude and angle)

    与中继星的中继链路(data links with the relay satellite)

    导航敏感器(navigation sensors)

    实施月球背面软着陆(make a soft landing on the moon's far side)


    着陆器 lander

    探月工程 lunar exploration program

    在轨测试 in-orbit test

    公转周期 period of revolution

    自转周期 rotation period

    一手资料 first-hand information

    2. 校外培训机构

    after-school training institution

    China has been carrying out comprehensive inspections of all after-school training institutions to ensure that those not meeting government standards make corrections by the end of this year, the Ministry of Education said on Thursday.


    全国共排查校外培训机构40万余所(more than 400,000 after-school training institutions from across the country had been inspected)

    不符合标准(be not up to the standards)

    解决问题必须标本兼治(address both its symptoms and root causes)

    完善治理(improve governance)

    建立长效机制(build long-term mechanism)

    教育教学改革(education reform)

    专项治理(special rectification)

    禁止中小学生招生与培训结果挂钩(the training results from these institutions are banned from using as criteria for enrollment in primary and middle schools)

    满足学习需求(meet their learning needs)

    立全国校外培训机构数据库(build a database of after-school training institutions across the country)

    黑白名单制度(blacklist and white list system)

    加大对违规行为惩治力度(reinforce punishment against irregularities)


    学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden

    教学大纲 teaching syllabus

    超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus

    招生对象 enrollment targets 

    课外活动 extracurricular activities

    应试教育 exam-oriented education

    复制自 LearnAndRecord

    3. 不信任投票

    vote of no confidence

    Theresa May is to continue as British prime minister after surviving a vote of no confidence in her leadership from members of her own Conservative Party.


    不信任投票(no-confidence vote, vote of no confidence)

    议会制国家(countries with a parliamentary system)

    政局动荡不安(political upheaval)

    不信任案(no-confidence motion)

    不记名投票(secret ballot)

    议员(Member of Parliament, MP)

    对梅与欧盟达成的脱欧协议不满(be dissatisfied with the Brexit deal May has struck with the EU)

    背离了2016年公投的结果(betray the 2016 referendum result)

    付出了代价(come at a price)

    她承诺将在计划于2022年举行的下一次英国大选前下台(May promised she would step down by the next election scheduled for 2022)

    脱欧协议议会表决(a vote in Parliament on whether to approve her Brexit deal)


    分手协议 divorce deal

    支持英国脱欧者 pro-Brexit supporter

    疑欧派议员 Eurosceptic MP

    硬边界 hard border

    北爱尔兰保障协议 Northern Irish backstop

    否决 veto

    4. 年度人物

    Person of the Year

    Time magazine has chosen "The Guardians," a group of journalists who have been targeted for their work, as Person of the Year.


    年度人物(Person of the Year)


    该杂志首次将这一荣誉授予逝者(this is the first time Time has given the accolade to someone no longer alive)

    《首府新闻报》五名员工在枪击案中遇害(five members of the Capital Gazette staff were killed in a shooting)

    被以逃税罪名逮捕(be arrested on tax evasion charges)

    报道罗兴亚穆斯林大屠杀(report on a massacre of Rohingya Muslims)

    总编爱德华·费尔森塔尔(editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal)

    他们敢于冒巨大的风险追求更伟大的真理,他们对事实进行虽不完美但至关重要的探寻——这些事实是公民话语的核心,他们敢于直言不讳、大声疾呼,所以这些"守护者"当选年度人物(for taking great risks in pursuit of greater truths, for the imperfect but essential quest for facts that are central to civil discourse, for speaking up and for speaking out, the "Guardians" are the Person of the Year)。

    在过去一年中对新闻和世界产生重大影响的个人或群体(an individual or group of people who most influenced the news and the world during the past year)

    掀起反对性骚扰的#MeToo运动(trigger the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment)

    "打破沉默者(Silence Breakers)"

    埃博拉病抗击者(Ebola Fighters)


    现场报道 field reporting

    调查性报道 investigative reporting

    操纵和滥用真相 manipulation and abuse of truth

    言论自由 free speech

    战地记者 war correspondent

    新闻编辑室 newsroom

    5. 口红系列

    lipstick collection

    On Sunday, the Palace Museum released its new series of product - limited edition of a lipstick collection in six colors on T-mall, provoking excitement among netizens and fashion lovers. 


    口红系列(lipstick collection)

    郎窑红(Lang Yao glaze red)


    豆沙红(bean paste red)

    碧玺色(tourmaline purple)

    枫叶红(maple red)

    变色人鱼姬(mermaid pink)

    口红管外观设计则从清宫后妃服饰的颜色和图案上汲取灵感(be inspired by colors and patterns of clothes belonging to empresses and imperial concubines of the Qing Dynasty)

    最受青睐的郎窑红(the most favored Lang Yao glaze red)

    吉祥图案(patterns symbolizing good fortune)

    3D打印科技(3D printing technology)

    呈现出刺绣的质感(present the texture of embroidery)

    有效帮助改善唇纹(help relieve wrinkles on lips)

    预订数已超过3000支(have more than 3,000 orders)


    文创产品 cultural and creative product

    衍生品 derivatives

    配饰 accessory

    中国传统文化 traditional Chinese culture

    文化遗产 cultural heritage










