共读—— You are a Badass Day 1

共读—— You are a Badass Day 1

作者: 英语口语阿静 | 来源:发表于2021-09-09 13:16 被阅读0次
    1. Reverend: a title for a priest of the Christian Church (对基督教教士的尊称)牧师大人
      Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, Agape International Spiritual Center 创始人,作者

    2. A bunch of crap or a load of crap = nonsense 也可以说 Crap!

    3. Cheesy: cheap and not of good quality or not sincere

    4. Grouchy: easily annoyed and complaining

    5. Bulldoze: to force someone to do something, although they might not want to

    6. holier-than-thou: characterized by an attitude of moral superiority.
      They had quite a critical, holier-than-thou approach.
      holier-than-thouism, -ism 后缀,主义

    7. a total cream puff: a small round pastry filled with cream and covered with chocolate sauce

    8. a snore: a thing that is extremely boring

    9. a flare-up: a situation in which someone suddenly has problems because of a disease or illness after not having any problems for a long time

    10. doop de do: a sound made with the mouth that is usually associated with walking;

    11. rickety-ass: stupid, bad

    12. an egomaniacal fathead
      egomaniacal: relating to someone who considers themselves to be very important and able to do anything that they want:
      a fathead is a stupid person, an idiot.

    13. have the cojones to show up = have the guts to show up, have the courage to show up

    14. live down something: to make people forget that you made a big mistake or did something very embarrassing in the past:

    15. when the shit really hit the fan = hit rock bottom, a very bad situation, you can imagine how bad it is from the literal meaning of these words

    16. Anaïs Nin: 阿内丝·尼恩 出生于法国的美国作家

    17. mull over something: to think carefully about something for a period of time

    18. work someone’s ass off = work extremely hard 我常听到的表达

    19. get someone’s act together: to start to organize yourself so that you do things in an effective way

    20. Lawdy = Lawd 感叹词

    21. take one for the team: willingly undertake an unpleasant task or make a personal sacrifice for the collective benefit of one's friends or colleagues

    22. ease someone into something: if you ease yourself or someone else into a new job etc, you start doing it gradually or help them to start

    23. dip your toe in the self-help pond = begin to do or test (something) cautiously

    24. pull somebody/something in = to attract business, money, people etc

    25. fork over more money = to give money to someone or something, or spend money on something, 也可以用 fork out

    26. janky: very bad in quality or condition

    27. knock it out of the park: to do something extremely well

    28. gnarly: used to describe something extreme, especially something that is very dangerous and exciting

    29. kickass people: very exciting or forceful people

    30. shove food in your face = eat a lot



          本文标题:共读—— You are a Badass Day 1
