

作者: 爬山小王子 | 来源:发表于2018-12-12 16:38 被阅读10次

so u dont need the booster if u have a lower gravity wells , so no booster is needed on the moon or Mars or any other moons of Jupoter or Pluto .

U just need the space ship.

The booster is just there for heavy gravity wells.

And then we've also been able to optimize the propellant needed for boost-back and landing ,to get it down to about seven percent of the liftoff propellant load ,and i think with some optimization we can get down to about six percent.

And we're also getting quite comfortble with the accuracy  of the landing.

And if u've been watching the Falcon 9 landing ,u'll see that they're getting increasing closer to the bullseye.

And we think ,particular with the addition of some thrusters ,maneuvering thrusters ,we can actually put the rooster right back on the launch stand.

And then those pins at the base are essentially centering features to take out any minor position mismatch at the launch site.

So this is what it looks like at the base .

So we think we only need to gimbal or steer the central cluster of engines .

so u dont need the booster if u have a lower gravity wells , so no booster is needed on the moon or Mars or any other moons of Jupoter or Pluto .

所以在引力比较小的时候不需要使用助推器 ,所以在火星的卫星上或木星以及冥王星的卫星上时不需要使用推进器 。

U just need the space ship.

你只需要太空飞船 。

The booster is just there for heavy gravity wells.

推进器只在引力比较大的时候使用 。

And then we've also been able to optimize the propellant needed for boost-back and landing ,to get it down to about seven percent of the liftoff propellant load ,and i think with some optimization we can get down to about six percent.

我们也同样会对推进剂进行优化 以被需要完成一级火箭的回收降落 。

我们也会对推进剂进行优化以完成一级火箭的回收降落 ,

我们也会对推进剂进行优化来供给一级火箭回收降落所需 ,减少7%的发射推进剂载荷,

我认为通过一些优化可以再减少6%的燃料 。

And we're also getting quite comfortble with the accuracy  of the landing. 精准降落这一点我们也确实做得非常平稳 。

And if u've been watching the Falcon 9 landing ,u'll see that they're getting increasing closer to the bullseye.如果你观看了猎鹰9号的着陆, 你会发现他们明显更接近了圆心点

And we think ,particular with the addition of some thrusters ,maneuvering thrusters ,we can actually put the rooster right back on the launch stand.

我们认为 , 增加推进器的这一特点 , 通过操控推进器 , 我们确实可以让火箭正确地返回到发射台 。

And then those pins at the base are essentially centering features to take out any minor position mismatch at the launch site.

这些底部小孔居中的这一特征 ,用以解决发射场微小位置不匹配的问题 。

而那几个中间的小孔 , 用以降落时进行距离微调 。 

So this is what it looks like at the base .

所以这就是为什么底部设计成这个样子 。

So we think we only need to gimbal or steer the central cluster of engines .

我们我们认为我们只需去控制引擎中间的部分 。

booster n. (电器的) 增压机; 助推器,多级火箭的第一级; 热情的支持者;

optimize  vt. 使最优化,使尽可能有效;


adj. 推进的;

n. 推进物;


liftoff propellant



accuracy  精确性 准确性

quite  adv. 非常; 相当,很; 确实如此;

increasing  增加,增大,增多( increase的现在分词 ); 增强,增进; [缝纫]放(针); 增强;

particular adj. 特别的; 详细的; 独有的; 挑剔的;  n. 特色,特点; (可分类,列举的) 项目; 详细情节,细情            ,细目; 某一事项;

addition      n. 加,增加,附加; [数] 加法; 增加的人或事物;

thrusters    n. 推进器;

maneuvering  v. 操纵; 移动,用策略( maneuver的现在分词 );

actually    adv. 实际上; 确实; 竟; 事实上;

pins n. 大头针; 插脚,(烧陶瓷用)烧针; 腿( pin的名词复数 ); 饰针; 发夹;

essentially  adv. 本质上,根本上; 本来; “essential”的派生;

centering n. 置于中心,定中心;

v. 居中; 集中( center的现在分词 ); 使聚集在一点; 定中心;

features n. 特征( feature的名词复数 ); 特写; [复数] 面貌; 面貌的一部分(如眼、鼻、口等);

gimbal n. 万向节;

steer vt. 引导; 驾驶; 操纵,控制;

central cluster 网络 中央扬声器组合;

booster英n.(电器的) 增压机; 助推器,多级火箭的第一级; 热情的支持者;

gravity wells 


gravity英 n.重力; 万有引力,地心引力; 重要性,严重性; 严肃,庄重;

wells  n.泉( well的名词复数 ); 源泉;


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