The stand-up meeting is conducted daily and it is time-box 15 minutes.
Synchronize the activities of the Development Team by answering three questions.
3.Structure:Each team member presents three topics
Update on activity done the previous day
Update on activities planned for today
What is impeding my progress currently and any new risks identified
4.Daily Stand up is Not
"Solutioning" - solving technical or project problems during the Daily Scrum
Late arrivals
Changing meeting's time and/ or location
If you're using an Agile tracking tool (like Rally or Jira), update it before the meeting.
Respect the time box!Stand ups should not exceed 15 minutes. If you're going longer, it's likely that team members aren't talking enough during the day. Long, rambling "updates", or deep discussions of issues and impediments don't belong at stand up.
Meet in person:Stand ups should be held in person, standing up, in front of the team board. Good communication is tough when half of your team is on a speakerphone.
4.Give your stand up to the team- You are not "reporting in" to your Scrum Master.
5.Share responsibility.
6.Have some fun! Stand up should energize the team! Try starting with an improve warm-up, or add a "silly question" to the standard three. End with a team cheer or Hoo-ah. Bring snacks, Etc.