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Login against ActiveDirectory, B

Login against ActiveDirectory, B

作者: 懿民 | 来源:发表于2015-09-18 10:41 被阅读265次

Login against ActiveDirectory, Boss Filter for authentification/authorization.

earlier this year, i had to connect and authenticate an user against Active Directory from erlang,
erlang/OTP have ldap client include since R15,
i tryed to connect to an Active Directory but without success :(, MS, MS, again MS ...
back to my favorite search engine, after googling some time,
i find out that ejabberd from preocess-one,
can connect and authenticate user against ActiveDirectory, WOW :), and it is open-source,
i decided to extract the code and package it here.

in this tutorial, you will find out how to use ChicagoBoss with an external dep,
boss filter for authentification and authorization.

Get started.

i assume you have an Active Directory Server ready somewhere in your network,
and installed ChicagoBoss, mostly you can copy paste to your shell when you see shell code,
this tuto was made against last version of CB, 17 september 2015

cd ChicagoBoss
make app PROJECT=ad
cd ../ad

edit your rebar.config file and add eldap repo in the deps section.

{deps, [
  {boss, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss.git", {tag, "v0.8.15"}}},
  {eldap, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/mihawk/ldap.git", {tag, "master"}}}
{deps_dir, ["./deps"]}.
{plugin_dir, ["priv/rebar"]}.
{plugins, [boss_plugin]}.
{eunit_compile_opts, [{src_dirs, ["src/test"]}]}.
{lib_dirs, ["../ChicagoBoss/deps/elixir/lib"]}.
  • fetch and compile our new deps.
cd ad
make all

i had this error during compilation process.

==> lager (compile)
ERROR: /home/mihawk/workspace/ad/deps/lager/.rebar/erlcinfo file version is incompatible. expected: 1 got: 2
ERROR: compile failed while processing /home/mihawk/workspace/ad/deps/lager: rebar_abort

i do this:

find . -name .rebar -type d | xargs rm -fr
make compile

Let's try to connect to ActiveDirectory


oups forget to configure our eldap.
edit boss.config and add the config for eldap.
just like follow, update your config according to your env.

{eldap, [
         {default, [         
                    {ldap_servers, ["ldap.MyDomain.com"]},
                    {ldap_encrypt, none},
                    {ldap_port, 389},
                    {ldap_uids, [{"sAMAccountName", "%u"}]},
                    {ldap_base, "CN=Users,DC=MyDomain,DC=com"},
                    {ldap_rootdn, "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=MyDomain,DC=com"},
                    {ldap_password, "MyPassword"},
                    {ldap_filter, "(memberOf=*)"}
{boss, [
    {path, "./deps/boss"},
    {applications, [ad]},
    {assume_locale, "en"},

let's try again

00:55:36.645 [info] LDAP connection on xxx.xx.xx.xx:389
00:55:36.646 [info] LDAP connection on xxx.xx.xx.xx:389

test user credential:

(ad@xyz)4> eldap_api:check_password(default, <<"administrator">>, <<"mypass1">>).
(ad@xyz)5> eldap_api:check_password(default, <<"administrator">>, <<"mypass2">>).

Start eldap at boot.

in CB, we have init folder where you can perform some task at the boot time of your CB app.
let's write what we did previously in the shell into a module.

cat <<EOF > priv/init/ad_02_eldap.erl

init() ->
    {ok, Pid} = case application:start(eldap) of
                    ok -> 
                        lager:info("starting eldap interface..."),
                    Err -> 
                        lager:error("starting eldap interface fail ~p", [Err])
    {ok, []}.

stop(_) ->

if you lunch your app, you application crash miserably, what happen here,
the culprit is lager :(, it's a parse transform,
a parse transform is a hook into the compilation chaine
where the code is transformed before compilation.
the easiest way to fix this, is to add this magic line:

-compile({parse_transform, lager_transform}).

-compile({parse_transform, lager_transform}).

now your app should start properly.

13:14:19.947 [info] starting eldap interface...
13:14:19.978 [info] LDAP connection on xxx.xx.xxx.xx:389
13:14:19.978 [info] LDAP connection on xxx.xx.xxx.xx:389
(ad@xyz)1> eldap_api:check_password(default, <<"administrator">>, <<"mypass1">>). 

cool we can call eldap_api:check_password/3 from our controller :)

Boss filter for authentification/authorization.

i assume you have read the README_FILTERS.md from the boss repo.
from the doc we have:


    before_filter(_Config, RequestContext) ->
        IsAdmin = is_admin(RequestContext),
        {ok, [{is_admin, IsAdmin}|RequestContext]}.

let's write our own module, which does nothing but just log some information.

cat <<EOF > src/lib/ad_filter.erl
-compile({parse_transform, lager_transform}).

before_filter(Cfg, ReqCtx) ->
  {ok, ReqCtx}.


we need a basic page

basic controller:

cat <<EOF > src/controller/ad_index_controller.erl

index('GET', [], _ReqCtx) ->
  {ok, [{msg, "Hello World!!"}]}.

basic view:

mkdir -p src/view/index
cat <<EOF > src/view/index/index.html

activate your filter, edit your boss.config like below:

%% controller_filter_config - Specify defaults for controller filters
%%   Sub-key 'lang' can be set to the atom 'auto' to autodetermine language
%%     universally, or can be set to a specific language by setting a string (e.g.
%%     "en" or "de")

{controller_filter_modules, [ad_filter]},

%    {controller_filter_config, [
%        {lang, auto}
%    ]},

open an other shell an fetch the page with curl:

curl -XGET http://localhost:8001/index

here the corresponding log from the REPL.

13:45:16.444 [info] Cfg:undefined
13:45:16.444 [info] ReqCtx:[{controller_module,ad_index_controller},{request,....},{session_id,"219ec9e933d968b595c2c85e6721a6dab98699ec"},{method,'GET'},{action,"index"},{tokens,[]}]
13:45:16.462 [warning] GET /index [ad] 404 49ms

we see that ReqCtx contain:

  • controller_module
  • request
  • session_id
  • method
  • action
  • token

let's add a login page, and redirect all user who want to access /index/index to the login page.

auth controller:

cat <<EOF > src/controller/ad_auth_controller.erl

login('GET', [], _ReqCtx) ->
  {ok, []};

login('POST', [], _ReqCtx) ->  
  {ok, []}.


login view:

mkdir -p src/view/auth
cat <<EOF > src/view/auth/login.html
<style> center{padding-top:100px;} </style>
  <form method="post" action="/auth/login">
  <td><input type=text name="login"></td>
  <td><input type=password name="password"></td>  
   <input type="submit" value="OK">

let s try our new login page.
open your webrowser an go to the url http://localhost:8001/auth/login,
you should see our login form
or you can get the page using curl like below:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/auth/login
<style> center{padding-top:100px;} </style>
  <form method="post" action="/auth/login">
  <td><input type=text name="login"></td>
  <td><input type=password name="password"></td>  
   <input type="submit" value="OK"> 

we got the page. nice
now let's authenticate our user against Active Directory,
edit the auth controller like follow:

login('POST', [], _ReqCtx) ->

  %% extract value returned by the login form
  Params = Req:post_params(),

  %% extract login and password convert them into binary
  Login = list_to_binary(proplists:get_value("login", Params)),
  Password = list_to_binary(proplists:get_value("login", Params)),

  %% check against active directory
  case eldap_api:check_password(default, Login, Password) of
       true -> 
               %%if user is authentified, link is current session
               boss_session:set_session_data(Sid, user, Login);
               {ok, [{success_msg, "You are authentified"}]};
       false ->
               {ok, [{error_msg, "Not Authorized"}]}

edit your view and add the error message.

<style> center{padding-top:100px;} </style>
  {% if success_msg %}<p><span style="color:green;">{{success_msg}}</span></p>{% endif %}  
  {% if error_msg %}<p><span style="color:red;">{{error_msg}}</span></p>{% endif %}  
  <form method="post" action="/auth/login">

let's test with curl

curl -X POST -d "login=admin&password=123123" http://localhost:8001/auth/login
<style> center{padding-top:100px;} </style>
 <p><span style="color:red;">Not Authorized</span></p>  
  <form method="post" action="/auth/login">
  <td><input type="text" name="login"></td>
  <td><input type="password" name="password"></td>  
   <input type="submit" value="OK">

we got the error message "Not Autorized".
let s try with a correct user.

curl -X POST -d "login=administrator&password=mypass1" http://localhost:8001/auth/login
<style> center{padding-top:100px;} </style>
 <p><span style="color:green;">You are authetified</span></p>  
  <form method="post" action="/auth/login">
  <td><input type="text" name="login"></td>
  <td><input type="password" name="password"></td>  
   <input type="submit" value="OK">

we got the success message "You are authentified".
let s go back to our ad_filter module and add the logic
if the user want to see the page index/index he need to be authentified

-compile({parse_transform, lager_transform}).

before_filter(Cfg, ReqCtx) ->
  %% get the current SessionId
  Sid = proplists:get_value(session_id, ReqCtx),

  %% get the linked user
  User = boss_session:get_session_data(Sid, user),

  %% get the http request method
  Method = proplists:get_value(method, ReqCtx),

  %% get the current controller
  Ctrl = proplists:get_value(controller_module, ReqCtx),

  %% get the current action
  Action = proplists:get_value(action, ReqCtx),

  check_access(ReqCtx, User, Sid, Method, Ctrl, Action).

%% we use pattern matching for access page.

%% if user is not authentified and want to access the index page, we redirect to the login page
check_access(_, undefined, Sid, 'GET', ad_index_controller, "index") -> {redirect, "/auth/login"};

%% if user is identified and want to access index page, the user can acces it.
check_access(ReqCtx, User, Sid, 'GET', ad_index_controller, "index") -> {ok, [{user, User}|ReqCtx]};

%% anonymous user or identified user can access other page
check_access(ReqCtx, undefined, Sid, _Method, _Ctrl, _Action) -> {ok, [{user, "anonymous"}|ReqCtx]};
check_access(ReqCtx,      User, Sid, _Method, _Ctrl, _Action) -> {ok, [{user, User}|ReqCtx]}.

let's edit our index/index page to see which type of user.


index('GET', [], ReqCtx) ->
  User = proplists:get_value(user, ReqCtx, "anonymous"),
  {ok, [{msg, "Hello World!!" ++ User}]}.

there is a small glitch here, how to redirect the user after the login page.
i let you image what to do, you have all the information.

thank for reading this long post,
hope you find it interesting.
you can find the code for this post here




    本文标题:Login against ActiveDirectory, B
