暂停跑步三天了|核对Never mind the interne

暂停跑步三天了|核对Never mind the interne

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-08-14 22:58 被阅读0次



Never mind the internet. Here's what's killing malls商场.

Despite a strong consumer economy, physical retailers实体零售商 closed more than  9000 stores in 2019 more than the total in 2018, which surpassed the record of 2017. It is easy to chalk it up to归咎于 the rise of E commerce, which  Has thrived兴旺发达蓬勃发展 while physical stores实体店 struggle. But this can be overstated夸大, internet shopping still represents only 11% of the entire retail sales total.

chalk it up to/ owe it to /attribute it to sth归因于

Collectively总的来说(as a group/as a whole ), three major economic forces have had an even bigger impact on brick-and-mortar retail实体店 than the internet has.

physical retailer /physical store /brick-and-mortar retail实体店

Big box stores, in the us and elsewhere, we have changed where we shop -away from smaller stores like those in malls and toward stand-alone big box stores. The economists found that the rise of warehouse clubs and supercenters was bigger than the rise of online commerce.

Income  Inequality: Rising income inequality has left less of the nation's money in the hands of the middle class, and the traditional retail stores that cater cater to服务于 them have suffered.

Services  Instead of things: With every passing decade, Americans have spent proportionately 成比例地 less of income on things and more on services.

In short, the board forces  hitting打击 retail are more a lesson in economics than in the power of disruptive, disruptive颠覆性的technology.


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      本文标题:暂停跑步三天了|核对Never mind the interne
