流利说 D43 2018-08-06 一

流利说 D43 2018-08-06 一

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-08-06 21:50 被阅读24次



  • Listening-"Harry's Business Trip 2"-D42-18/08/05



  • Vocabulary-"Sources of Energy"

1、Solar power depends on sunlight, so in cloudy weather and at night, no power is generated[产生].
[Solar power can't be generated in cloudy weather and at night.]

2、Nuclear[核] energy is efficient and doesn't produce carbon[碳] gases as a waste product.

3、A major source of energy comes from the burning of fossil[化石] fuels[燃料], such as coal and oil.

4、Fossil fuels remain the largest source of energy for most countries.

5、We need to reduce the use of fossil fuels to produce energy.


1、When we burn fossil fuels, waste gases, such as CO2 are produced.

2、The dangers of nuclear power include deadly radioactive[放射性的] waste products[产品].

3、Energy output[v.生产 n.产品] from hydropower[水电] is reliable[可靠的] and can be regulated[调整] to meet the demand[需求].

---[--Meet one's demand - "满足于某人的需求"]

4、Energy output from hydropower is reliable, except during periods of drought[干旱].

5、Verbs are used to express actions, such as to sit down or stand up.

6、Hydropower comes from the kinetic[动力的] energy of falling water.

7、-Wind turbines-[-风力发电机-] convert[改变] the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical[n./adj.机械] power.

8、Solar energy is one of the cleanest and most plentiful[丰富的] sources
of energy.

9、Wind energy is non-polluting but is only useful in places where there is a lot of wind.

10、Dams are expensive to build and affect wildlife such as fish.


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      本文标题:流利说 D43 2018-08-06 一
