

作者: 流星过耳 | 来源:发表于2017-03-23 19:24 被阅读0次

Today, I had a customer tell me that I don't look a day over 39. I'm 35. FML


Today, I went to the doctor's to find out why I was producing small amounts of milky liquid from my nipples, even though I'm not pregnant. When she asked me to show her, I squirted on her shirt. FML


Today, I prepared to do my early morning yoga, lowered myself on to the mat then felt a wet patch on my stomach. Turns out my roommate's cat had taken a piss on my orange mat and I'd been too tired to notice. FML


Today, I had to call out of work due to my house flooding. As if that wasn't bad enough, my bosspromptly(adv. 迅速地;立即地;敏捷地) accused me of lying because "the others from your town made it in today." I didn't realize we all lived together. FML

不管你信不信,我反正是信了。最近雨水比较大,今天我住的地方发洪水了,门都没发出,然后给我们老板打电话请假。“你们镇上其他人怎么都能来?”我们老板这么跟我讲。麻痹,老子怎么就不知道我们这里还有人跟我是在一起上班的。   FML

Today, a client wanted me to change the design I'd given him, again. I've been working with this client for a week now, giving him many designs throughout the week, and he rejected all of them. Today, after all of the changes he wanted, he said that I should just use the first design I sent to him. FML


Today, while working at Starbucks, an elderly woman came up to me asking to turn up the heat. It was at 73. After explaining to her that corporate all the way across the country controls our heat, she's reporting me to corporate and is insisting I should be fired or she won't ever return. FML

被人投诉了,在星巴克上班的时候,一个老女人突然过来让我把空调的温度调高,当时已经是73(摄氏22度)度了。然后我就解释说我们公司统一要求空调的温度不能高于73度,然后丫就直接打公司电话投诉“你们要是不开掉这个讨厌的家伙,我终生不会再来星巴克”   。FML

Today, after I arrived at work, somebody crashed into my parked car and left a big dent. The impact pushed my car up onto thecurb(n. 抑制;路边;勒马绳 vt. 控制;勒住) and I got a parking ticket. FML




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