

作者: 毕业设计论文资料 | 来源:发表于2022-05-20 09:31 被阅读0次


摘 要

 近年来,随着经济的发展,人民的生活水平日益提高,许多的家庭开始饲养宠物, 城市中的宠物数量也是随之大幅度增长。然而,在人们享受着宠物为生活所带来的乐趣的同时,一系列的安全威胁和宠物丢弃等问题也是铺天盖地地袭来。在城市宠物数量在快速增长的同时,许多的宠物由于主人的疏忽而走失,或者因为主人的某些生活原因, 一些宠物在主人短暂的宠爱之后被无情的丢弃……这一系列的原因,导致城市中的流浪动物数量快速增长,给居民的安居、交通、卫生、人身安全等造成了严重的威胁。


 流浪动物救助平台是基于 J2EE 设计的管理平台,可以分为普通游客端、注册用户端和管理员端。在该平台上,普通游客端可以浏览别人发布的救助、寻宠、领养等信息, 及时的参与到救助中去。而注册用户端不仅可以浏览各类信息,同时也可以登记自己发现的流浪动物的信息,或者是寻找丢失的宠物和为爱宠寻找新的主人等操作。而管理员端,可以发布公告,对注册用户及被救助动物进行管理、登记、审核相关信息以及查询统计等功能。该平台是一个功能较完善、操作简单的平台。

 关键词:流浪动物救助平台;JAVA EE;Java

 Design and Implementation of a Rescue Platform for Stray Animals


 In recent years, with the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, many families begin to keep pets, and the number of pets in the city also increases greatly. However, while people enjoy the fun of pets for life, a series of security threats and pet discard problems are also overwhelming. At the same time of the rapid growth of the number of pets in the city, many pets are lost due to the negligence of their owners, or some pets are mercilessly discarded after their owners' short-term love for some living reasons This series of reasons lead to the rapid growth of the number of stray animals in the city, which poses a serious threat to the residents' living, traffic, health and life safety.

 In the face of the above problems, although there are some pet rescue institutions and enthusiastic residents in the city, they are often sent to care and rescue, but the large number of stray animals and the dispersion and uncertainty of the location of stray animals make it difficult to manage and rescue.

 Tramp animal rescue platform is a management platform designed based on J2EE, which can be divided into ordinary tourists, registered users and administrators. On this platform, ordinary tourists can browse the information of rescue, pet seeking, adoption and other information released by others, and participate in the rescue in time. The registered client can not only browse all kinds of information, but also register the information of stray animals found by itself, or search for lost pets and new owners for pets. The administrator side can issue announcements, manage, register, audit relevant information and query statistics for registered users and rescued animals. This platform is a platform with perfect function and simple operation.

 Key Words:Rescue Platform for Stray Animals; JAVA EE; Java


 第一章 引言 ......................................................... 1

第二章 流浪动物救助平台 ............................................. 2

 2.1 流浪动物救助平台简介 ........................................... 2

 2.2 系统组织结构 ................................................... 2

 2.3 系统角色划分 ................................................... 3

第三章 系统设计要求 ................................................. 5

 3.1 设计原则 ........................................................ 5

 3.1.1 技术平台选型 .............................................. 5

 3.1.2 系统扩展性 ................................................ 6

 3.1.3 系统性能 .................................................. 6

 3.2 系统概念结构设计 ............................................... 6

 3.2.1 系统 ER 图 ................................................. 7

 3.2.2 关系模型 .................................................. 7

 3.2.3 数据库设计需求 ............................................ 8

第四章 系统实现 .................................................... 11

 4.1 系统架构 ....................................................... 11

 4.2 前台门户系统 ................................................... 12

 4.2.1 登录模块 ................................................. 14

 4.2.2 首页简介 ................................................. 20

 4.2.3 咨询模块 ................................................. 22

 4.2.4 救助模块 ................................................. 23

 4.2.5 领养模块 ................................................. 27

 4.2.6 寻宠模块 ................................................. 31

 4.2.7 帮助模块 ................................................. 33

 4.3 后台管理系统 ................................................... 34

 4.3.1 登录模块 ................................................. 35

 4.3.2 首页简介 ................................................. 35

 4.3.3 用户模块 ................................................. 36

 4.3.4 领养模块 ................................................. 37

 4.3.5 新闻通知模块 ............................................. 39

 4.3.6 设置模块 ................................................. 40

第五章 结论 ......................................................... 42

 5.1 总结 ........................................................... 42

 5.2 系统不足 ....................................................... 44

 5.3 系统展望 ....................................................... 44

致  谢 ............................................................ 45

参考文献 ............................................................ 46

本文来自: 毕业作品网站(www.biyezuopin.vip) 详细出处参考:http://www.biyezuopin.vip/onews.asp?id=16002



