

作者: 叶子叶子 | 来源:发表于2018-12-14 23:14 被阅读0次




万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月14日 Day 73



Supplementary--Diferenft Dinosaurs

There are no dinosaurs today.Not even one. But sometimes people find dinosaur bones. The bones are like parts of a puzzle.  When they are put together, you can see  what a dinosaur looked like. The word dinosaur looks hard. But it is really easy to say Say: DIE-nuh-sor.  Dinosaur means"terrible lizard. "Millions of years ago the world belonged to the dinosaurs.

1.Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Tie-RAN-uh-SOR-us REKS. Its teeth were as long as pencils and very, very sharp. The word rex means king. This  dinosaur was the king of the hunters. What did it hunt? Other dinosaurs.

万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月14日 Day 73


This duck-billed dinosaur is called Anatosaurus,  An-AT uh-SOR-us. That means"duck lizard". Anatosaurus  had lots of teeth. Two thousand of them! It used its teeth to mash up plants.

万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月14日 Day 73


Its back was covered with thick plates. Its tail was covered with sharp spikes. Its name was Stegosaurus. STEG-ug-SOR-us. That means "covered lizard", It was one of the early dinosaurs.

万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月14日 Day 73


One of the biggest was Brontosaurus, also known as Apatosaurus. BRON-tuh-SOR-us, uh-PAH-tuh-SOR-us. This dinosaur was as tall as a house, longer than two buses, and as heavy as five elephants.The name Brontosaurus means "thunder lizard".Brontosaurus went walking,  its great big feet made a noise like thunder. Brontosaurus ate plants. Lots of them.

万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月14日 Day 73


One of the very first dinosaurs to live on earth was named Saltopus. SAWL-tuh-puss. Saltopus lived near a river.Saltopus  stood up on its strong back legs and ran away as fast as it could. Saltopus was fast.  It could run and leap.That is how it got its  name. Saltopus means"Leaping foot". Saltopus was a small dinosaur. About the size of a chicken. Dinosaurs came in many sizes. Some were small like Saltopus. Some  were big And some were very, very big.

万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月14日 Day 73


This dinosaur used its sharp horns for fighting. When it came running, everyone got out of the way! Its name is Triceratops. Try-SER-uh-tops. That means"three horns on the face."

万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月14日 Day 73
万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert 2018年12月14日 Day 73

Field Trip 1-Museum Trip

Mum: Next time we will go to the Beijing Museum of Natural History to see the dinosaur fossils

Baby: Ok.

Mum: Don't be sacred if we see the dinosaur fossils

Baby: OK, I won't

Mum: What kind of dinosaur do you like?

Baby: Tyrannosaurus Rex!!!

Imitate we are In the museum.

Mum: Hurbert,look, this one has a big head.

Baby: Wow.

Mum: Look at the bones of the dinosaur, they are so big and we are so small. I can't  imagine how they lived in the real world

Baby: Would they eat people?

Mum: Some dinosaur eat plants. Some dinosaur eat meat

Baby: Cool!

Field Trip 2-Dinosaur Egg Hunting

(Mum: Let's go to the park and have picnic for lunch. Family time is more fun.

Dad: I love picnics.)

Mum: I have some dinosaur eggs and a chocolate dinosaur. We are going to play a  game called, dinosaur egg hunting

Baby: Wow.. dinosaur eggs

Mum: We are going to look for the dinosaur eggs. The one who gets the most will get the chocolate dinosaur.

Baby: Chocolate dinosaur!

Mum: Where are the dinosaur eggs? Let's search together

Baby: I found one!

Dad: I found one!

Mum: Let's count how many dinosaur eggs you found Lily found 5 eggs. Dad found 3  eggs and I found only 1 egg.

Baby: I get the chocolate dinosaur

Mum: Yes, well done baby!





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