

作者: MickCaptain | 来源:发表于2019-11-03 11:26 被阅读0次

android system language change 流程



  1. updateLocales 分析
     * Requests the system to update the list of system locales.
     * Note that the system looks halted for a while during the Locale migration,
     * so the caller need to take care of it.
    public static void updateLocales(LocaleList locales) {
        try {
            final IActivityManager am = ActivityManager.getService();
            final Configuration config = am.getConfiguration();

            config.userSetLocale = true;

            // Trigger the dirty bit for the Settings Provider.
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            // Intentionally left blank

updateLocales 会将承载语言变更信息的Locale 信息通过bindle机制传递到AMS
的updatePersistentConfiguration 中

  1. AMS 中关键操作分析

经过AMS 中方法的层层调用, 会发现最终走到了updateGlobalConfiguration 这个关键方法中,以下是updateGlobalConfiguration中的以下关键流程

        // Make sure all resources in our process are updated right now, so that anyone who is going
        // to retrieve resource values after we return will be sure to get the new ones. This is
        // especially important during boot, where the first config change needs to guarantee all
        // resources have that config before following boot code is executed.

        // We need another copy of global config because we're scheduling some calls instead of
        // running them in place. We need to be sure that object we send will be handled unchanged.
        final Configuration configCopy = new Configuration(mTempConfig);
        if (persistent && Settings.System.hasInterestingConfigurationChanges(changes)) {
            Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(UPDATE_CONFIGURATION_MSG);
            msg.obj = configCopy;
            msg.arg1 = userId;

        for (int i = mLruProcesses.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
            try {
                if (app.thread != null) {
                    if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG_CONFIGURATION, "Sending to proc "
                            + app.processName + " new config " + configCopy);
            } catch (Exception e) {

        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED);
                | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND
        broadcastIntentLocked(null, null, intent, null, null, 0, null, null, null,
                AppOpsManager.OP_NONE, null, false, false, MY_PID, SYSTEM_UID,
        if ((changes & ActivityInfo.CONFIG_LOCALE) != 0) {
            intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED);
                    | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_INCLUDE_BACKGROUND
                    | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS);
            if (initLocale || !mProcessesReady) {
            broadcastIntentLocked(null, null, intent, null, null, 0, null, null, null,
                    AppOpsManager.OP_NONE, null, false, false, MY_PID, SYSTEM_UID,

        // Override configuration of the default display duplicates global config, so we need to
        // update it also. This will also notify WindowManager about changes.
        performDisplayOverrideConfigUpdate(mStackSupervisor.getConfiguration(), deferResume,

        return changes;

一. mSystemThread.applyConfigurationToResources(mTempConfig)和Settings.System.hasInterestingConfigurationChanges(changes))这两部是用来更新语言配置参说,也就是在此时应用在拿去resource 资源时,拿到的是对应国际化中的资源信息

二. app.thread.scheduleConfigurationChanged(configCopy);这部是拿到前台应用进程和后台应用进程, 通知对应的应用更新节界面

  1. 界面刷新,显示国际化信息

AMS 最终调用ActivityThread 中的scheduleConfigurationChanged, 经过一系列流转,最终走到activity中我们熟悉的onConfigurationChanged

     * Decides whether to update an Activity's configuration and whether to inform it.
     * @param activity The activity to notify of configuration change.
     * @param newConfig The new configuration.
     * @param amOverrideConfig The override config that differentiates the Activity's configuration
     *                         from the base global configuration. This is supplied by
     *                         ActivityManager.
     * @param displayId Id of the display where activity currently resides.
     * @param movedToDifferentDisplay Indicates if the activity was moved to different display.
     * @return Configuration sent to client, null if no changes and not moved to different display.
    private Configuration performActivityConfigurationChanged(Activity activity,
            Configuration newConfig, Configuration amOverrideConfig, int displayId,
            boolean movedToDifferentDisplay) {
        if (activity == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No activity provided.");
        final IBinder activityToken = activity.getActivityToken();
        if (activityToken == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Activity token not set. Is the activity attached?");

        boolean shouldChangeConfig = false;
        if (activity.mCurrentConfig == null) {
            shouldChangeConfig = true;
        } else {
            // If the new config is the same as the config this Activity is already running with and
            // the override config also didn't change, then don't bother calling
            // onConfigurationChanged.
            final int diff = activity.mCurrentConfig.diffPublicOnly(newConfig);

            if (diff != 0 || !mResourcesManager.isSameResourcesOverrideConfig(activityToken,
                    amOverrideConfig)) {
                // Always send the task-level config changes. For system-level configuration, if
                // this activity doesn't handle any of the config changes, then don't bother
                // calling onConfigurationChanged as we're going to destroy it.
                if (!mUpdatingSystemConfig
                        || (~activity.mActivityInfo.getRealConfigChanged() & diff) == 0
                        || !REPORT_TO_ACTIVITY) {
                    shouldChangeConfig = true;
        if (!shouldChangeConfig && !movedToDifferentDisplay) {
            // Nothing significant, don't proceed with updating and reporting.
            return null;

        // Propagate the configuration change to ResourcesManager and Activity.

        // ContextThemeWrappers may override the configuration for that context. We must check and
        // apply any overrides defined.
        Configuration contextThemeWrapperOverrideConfig = activity.getOverrideConfiguration();

        // We only update an Activity's configuration if this is not a global configuration change.
        // This must also be done before the callback, or else we violate the contract that the new
        // resources are available in ComponentCallbacks2#onConfigurationChanged(Configuration).
        // Also apply the ContextThemeWrapper override if necessary.
        // NOTE: Make sure the configurations are not modified, as they are treated as immutable in
        // many places.
        final Configuration finalOverrideConfig = createNewConfigAndUpdateIfNotNull(
                amOverrideConfig, contextThemeWrapperOverrideConfig);
        mResourcesManager.updateResourcesForActivity(activityToken, finalOverrideConfig,
                displayId, movedToDifferentDisplay);

        activity.mConfigChangeFlags = 0;
        activity.mCurrentConfig = new Configuration(newConfig);

        // Apply the ContextThemeWrapper override if necessary.
        // NOTE: Make sure the configurations are not modified, as they are treated as immutable
        // in many places.
        final Configuration configToReport = createNewConfigAndUpdateIfNotNull(newConfig,

        if (!REPORT_TO_ACTIVITY) {
            // Not configured to report to activity.
            return configToReport;

        if (movedToDifferentDisplay) {
            activity.dispatchMovedToDisplay(displayId, configToReport);

        if (shouldChangeConfig) {
            activity.mCalled = false;
            if (!activity.mCalled) {
                throw new SuperNotCalledException("Activity " + activity.getLocalClassName() +
                                " did not call through to super.onConfigurationChanged()");

        return configToReport;

ActivityThread 方法 performActivityConfigurationChanged 中让人眼前一亮的 mResourcesManager.updateResourcesForActivityactivity.dispatchMovedToDisplay(displayId, configToReport) ,这里更新了Activity 的资源和界面, 这只是Activity 资源的更新,那么挂载的fragment 和 window 怎么更新的呢,这里调用了activity.onConfigurationChanged(configToReport),看看里边做了什么

    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
        if (DEBUG_LIFECYCLE) Slog.v(TAG, "onConfigurationChanged " + this + ": " + newConfig);
        mCalled = true;


        if (mWindow != null) {
            // Pass the configuration changed event to the window

        if (mActionBar != null) {
            // Do this last; the action bar will need to access
            // view changes from above.

哈哈, 在Activity onConfigurationChanged 更新了Fragment , Window , ActionBar 界面, 可以快乐的玩耍了



