拿到签证: get this visa 拒签:be turned down on visa 观光:sightseeing takes money and time 征得家里同意:get approval from my folks 套餐旅游or 包办游:package tour 搞特价:run a special 报名: sign up for sth now 在享受优惠价格基础上再打95折:enjoy another 5% discount on promotional price 私人物品:personal stuff 旅行团:tour group 背包旅游:backpack 散客游:independent travel 旅行社:travel agency 商务旅行:business trip 度假区:holiday resort
订机票: make a reservation 确认座位: confirm your seat 登机牌:a boarding pass 坐头等舱:fly first class 票价:fare 单程票:single ticket 往返票:round-trip ticket 、round ticket 半票:half-price ticket 头等舱:first class 经济舱: economy class 商务舱:business class
出境: please line up on the queue 出国观光旅游:going abroad for sightsee 行李箱:luggage baggage 物品上税;pay any duty on my gift 海关行李申报表:fill out this Customs Luggage Declaring Form,please. 这里是海关吗? Is this the right place for customs? 出境管理:immigration 海关:customs 机场税:airport tax 检疫:quarantine 报关表:declaration
托运行李: 登机牌:boarding pass 称重:have my luggage wighted 托运:consignment
登机:登机:board the aircraft 在候机室等候: wait at the departure lounge 吻别: kiss you goodbye 航站楼、候机楼:terminal 登机口:gate 候机室:departure lounge 延误:delayed 登机时间:boarding time