

作者: Oops_Daisy | 来源:发表于2020-06-27 18:19 被阅读0次

    晨读书目:English the American Way



    6月晨读的书目介绍了美国从衣食住行到生老病死各个领域的社会文化,以及相关的英语表达。个人感觉这本书对美国文化的介绍可能相对老套了一些,但其中涉及的英文表达是非常地道的。或许我可以用中文去讲述美国文化的基本特点,却不知道如何用一种American way去呈现这些内容,而语言本身也是文化的一种表现形式。因此本月积累最多的,也是美语中的常见但中文不常见的表达。




    a. 像听音乐一样听每个意群内部的节奏(高低,长短,轻重,快慢,具体到音节而不是单词); b. 再把单词填进去,确认旋律。考虑每个单词是否熟悉,有没有自己不确定的发音,连读如何处理。如果有自己听不出来的发音,就要去查字典; c. 整体感受和模仿







    —— 问候句

    How about you?       

    I'm okayish./I'm A-OK./Same old./Nothing much.

    延伸:其他的问候方式:What's poping?/cooking?/shaking/cracking? = What gives? = What’s happening? 

    —— 你去哪儿啊?

    Where to?/Where are you headed? (回答:I‘m heading/headed to...) 

    (拓展:a Beijing-bound flight = The flight is bound for Beijing; homeward-bound commuters)


    Do you feel like catching/grabbing a movie tonight?

    —— 我很忙

    I‘m busy with..../I'm in the middle of ...

    —— 难怪

    No wonder .... (也可用作讽刺)

    I guess that's why...


    I guess you could say that.

    Yes and no.


    I could use a computer savvy/literate teaching assistant. 


    There are stores for makeup and stores for men; bookstores and shoe stores and toy stores and drugstore… Well, you get the idea./you get the picture. 

    This firm makes toys and whatnot.

    Lions are brave. Foxes are tricky. And elephants are loyal, just to name a few. 


    Yeah, that was the upside... but here's downside: ...


    What's that old proverb? 

    —— 她会给你特殊情况特殊处理。

    She'll squeeze you in right away. 


    —— 这什么鬼地方?

    Where on earth is that?/Where in the world in that?

    —— 做xx真是麻烦/费劲.

    It's a real hassle to get this child to eat.

    It takes forever to get this child to eat.

    Getting this child to eat is like pulling teeth!

    ... is a real chore: Trying to have your dream wedding, keep all the in-laws happy, and stay within a budget can be a real chore.


    I've been doing the same old stuff for two years. 

    I've been in the rut for two years. 

    My job is a dead-end job./I'm a pencil-pusher. 


    My boss is always picking on me! (老板可以对员工说:My company does payroll twice a month and I don't pay you to have lunch 5 times a day! ,接着可能发生的事情是the company had to downsize, and there was a big layoff.)

    (拓展:你就只会捏软柿子:Why don't you always pick on someone in your size?)

    —— 我不干了!

    I’m quitting!

    Call it quits!

    (安慰别人每个人的生活都很无聊,就可以说:There's no getting away from the boring life./There's no getting away from the fact that you will probably put up with a boring life.)

    (如果一个人已经递了辞职信又后悔,你可以对那个人说,你现在已经覆水难收了:You can't get it back/You can't undone what you've done/Do you think you can unsend the email?)

    —— 我对你有意见,要和你说道说道。

    I have a bone to pick with you. 


    I let you off the hook this time. 

    —— 他们还真以为自己是小鲜肉,不过那是另外一回事了。

    They still think they're 21, but that's a topic for another book/that's another story/a horse of a different color.

    —— xx可真能xx啊

    He can really move!

    You can really eat!

    —— 你可真行呢,这么久的事情还记得!(带有怀疑的味道)

    Wow, you can remember all the way back to high school?

    —— 别嘚瑟!

    Don't get carried away!/Don't let success into your head!/Don't get big-headed. 


    You're a ham.

    —— 今天身体不太舒服。

    I’m feeling under the weather today. 

    —— 太恶心了!没有人愿意去看牙医!

    Eeew! That's gross! No one likes going to the dentist in any language!

    —— 我不买账/你骗不了我/你这招对我不管用

    I‘m not buying it./I won't swallow that up./I'm not falling for that./I won't be sold. 

    —— 看自己黑历史的时候总会很尴尬。

    It's a cringe when I see my pictures 10 years ago. 


    —— 你会成功的。

    You are going places./You are increasingly successful. 

    —— 你就要成功了!

    You've already got your foot in the door. 

    —— 搞定这件事,我这辈子就了无遗憾了/我这辈子就真的值了/功成名就了。

    If I can succeed this time, it'll be a real feather in my cap./I will put my name on the map. 

    —— 自己养活自己的感觉太好了!

    It feels great to be a breadwinner! 

    It feels great to be bringing home the bacon!


    When the band played its biggest hit, they brought down the house. 


    That's music to my ears.

    (拓展:face the music, 惩罚某人;sing someone's praises to sb. 对着某人表扬某人; ring a bell: 对某人来说很熟悉。The name rang the bell but I don't remember where I had heard it before) 

    —— 虽然我的工作开始压力有些大,但我相信我上道之后就会慢慢好起来。

    My new job is a bit stressful, but I'm sure it will be easier once I learn the ropes. (拓展:teach sb. the ropes)

    I thought things were going really well. (类似:我的老板并不会让我压力:My boss won't rush me)

    —— 你这么激动干啥,又不是世界末日!

    Why are you so worked up? It's not the end of the world! 

    (拓展:表示好消息的激动和兴奋:thirlled, pumped)


    Oh let your hair down for once!

    —— 彩虹屁

    They're awesome!/I like your shoes! Where do you get them?

    —— 关心句

    What seems to be the problem today? (挑衅时用what's the problem with you?)

    —— 过去总是很美好

    It takes me back to when Tony first asked me to marry him. 

    It seems like just yesterday that we used to go to movies and clubs to have fun. Now fun is going to buy diapers and pureed peas. 

    —— 劝告句,别做蠢事(Don't的另一种说法)

    Being late won't help you nail the job. /Being late is a big no-no. 

    Dressing like this won't help you get a girlfriend. 

    —— 你可不能再胖下去了。

    You have to watch your waist

    You have to watch what you eat

    You have to watch your weight. 


    I don’t know about anyone here running, but both of you sure can eat.

    I don’t know about anyone here cooking, but both of you sure can eat. 

    —— 你面试的时候得有点眼力见才能展示自己;你得放机灵点;你得随机应变

    You need to be on the ball to really sell yourself when having an interview. 

    You'd better think on your feet when having an interview. 

    (某个公司东山再起:get back on one's feet)

    —— 最好找个人给你校对。

    It's a great idea to have an extra pair of eyes to look over your writing. 

    (另一说法,你英语已经这么好了,就不用找人给你校对了:Now that your English is excellent, you don't have to ask someone to proofread your writing.)


    Don't burn your bridges.

    Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 

    (如果是具体的情形,可以说做某事可以规避...的风险,比如分散投资可以规避破产的风险:Putting your eggs in different baskets sure beats the risk of bankruptcy/breaking the bank.)


    Don't lap it up.

    Please take a grain/pinch of salt with it. 


    You're a mensch/a good Samaritan. 


    It's a can't-miss!


    Do you have your tickets? Check.


    Identity card? Check.

    Cellphone? Check.

    - It’s all set. 


    Is he tall? Check.

    Rich? Check.

    Handsome? Check.

    - I’m in. 


    Three down, two to go. 


    —— 你能不能给我送一个三天的体验卡?

    Can you throw in a three-day pass? 



