听写训练营Day 1

听写训练营Day 1

作者: 葉鴻 | 来源:发表于2019-02-20 23:14 被阅读0次

    1. So the next thing is to decide what exactly we need to write about in the report that goes with the stories, and how we are going to divide the word.

    2. The particular foods anyone there eats depends on what’s available in the area where that bee lives,as well as on the season of the year. Generally speaking,plant foods make up 90 percent of the bees die.

    3. ~~ is dependent on their mother, my stay with health are close to 2 years, wow blank bees can live as long as 25 years, they live for as long as 30 years or more in captivity.

    4. There’re two basic motivations that each everyone of us has and they cause us to have different kinds of goals. Promotion goals in different life situations emphasis achievement,prevention goals are  oriented towards the avoidance of punishment.

    5. The reason so many people choose our tour when visiting a city is because you can design you tour to city on your own interests. You are to passing(… ?)  board our bus at any stop and stay as long as your luggage(?)is plays.

    6. So consumer goods would be(…)more expensive,but on the other hand,some cash transactions would be convenient for consumers.

    7. It’s also a s(?)can conduct of a tricity so you can stretch in the wires is going to(…?)even in car motors.

    8. I’d like to continue to our discussion of animal behavior and start off today’s class by focusing on the concept we haven’t yet touched on,swarm intelligence.

    9. Actually,the transfer of heat and water by way of the wind are very closely related,because a primary way that heat energy is transferred by wind is mediated that  …

    10. But as in retell,there are instances of service failure in which the customers were dissatisfied,perhaps to the point not doing business video anymore.



          本文标题:听写训练营Day 1
