scss 集

作者: ZhiPengTu | 来源:发表于2020-08-11 15:15 被阅读0次
    $borderlve1: #dcdfe6; // 一级边框
    $borderlve2: #e4e7ed; // 2级边框
    $borderlve3: #ebeef5; // 3级边框
    $borderlve3: #f2f6fc; // 4级边框
    $color-header: #303133;
    $color-body: #606266;
    $color-body2: #909399;
    $color-other: #c0c4cc;
    $default-bg: #fff;
    $them: #6132f6;
    $dark-light: #7f7dd9;
    $light: #8c97de;
    $title-color: #333;
    $content-color: #666;
    $dec-color: #999;
    $white: #fff;
    $font-title: 30px;
    $font-content: 28px;
    $font-dec: 24px;
    $color-type: (
      "white": #fff,
      "title": #333,
      "content": #666,
      "dec": #808080,
      "link": #09f,
      "success": green,
      "danger": red,
      "err": red,
      "warn": orange,
    @each $Key, $Value in $color-type {
      .c-#{$Key} {
        color: $Value;
    @each $Key, $Value in $color-type {
      .bg-#{$Key} {
        background-color: $Value;
    // 字体样式
    $font-type: (
      "title": 32px,
      "content": 30px,
      "dec": 26px,
      "36": 36px,
      "32": 32px,
      "30": 30px,
      "28": 28px,
      "24": 24px,
      "22": 22px,
      "20": 20px,
      "18": 18px,
      "16": 16px,
      "14": 14px,
    @each $Key, $Value in $font-type {
      .f-#{$Key} {
        font-size: $Value;
    $font-weight-type: (
      "normal": normal,
      "bold": bold,
      "100": 100,
      "200": 200,
      "300": 300,
      "400": 400,
      "500": 500,
      "600": 600,
      "700": 700,
      "800": 800,
      "900": 900,
    @each $Key, $Value in $font-weight-type {
      .fw-#{$Key} {
        font-weight: $Value;
    @mixin prefix($stylename, $value, $options: webkit moz o ms) {
      #{$stylename}: $value;
      @each $option in $options {
        @if $option == webkit {
          -webkit-#{$stylename}: $value;
        } @else if $option == moz {
          -moz-#{$stylename}: #{$value};
        } @else if $option == o {
          -o-#{$stylename}: #{$value};
        } @else if $option == ms {
          -ms-#{$stylename}: #{$value};
    // 弹性盒子
    @mixin flex-box($type: row, $justify: center, $align: center) {
      @include prefix(display, flex);
      @include prefix(box-sizing, border-box);
      @include prefix(flex-direction, $type);
      @include prefix(justify-content, $justify);
      @include prefix(align-items, $align);
    $flex-type: (
      "auto": auto,
      "none": none,
      "column": column,
      "column-reverse": column-reverse,
      "row": row,
      "row-reverse": "row-reverse",
    $justify-conetnt: (
      "start": flex-start,
      "end": flex-end,
      "center": center,
      "between": space-between,
      "around": space-around,
    $align-items: (
      "start": flex-start,
      "end": flex-end,
      "center": center,
      "baseline ": baseline,
      "stretch": stretch,
    @each $flexKey, $flexValue in $flex-type {
      @if ($flexKey!= "auto" and $flexKey!= "none") {
        @each $Key, $value in $justify-conetnt {
          @each $Key2, $value2 in $align-items {
            .#{$flexValue}-#{$Key}-#{$Key2} {
              @include flex-box($flexValue, $value, $value2);
    // 外边距 和 内边距
    $spacing-types: (
      m: margin,
      p: padding,
    $spacing-direction: (
      t: top,
      r: right,
      b: bottom,
      l: left,
    // 基础值
    $spacing-base-size: 1px;
    $spacing-sizes: (
      0: 0,
      1: 1,
      2: 2,
      3: 3,
      4: 4,
      5: 5,
      10: 10,
      15: 15,
      20: 20,
      25: 25,
      30: 30,
      40: 40,
      50: 50,
      60: 60,
    @each $typeKey, $type in $spacing-types {
      @each $sizeKey, $size in $spacing-sizes {
        .#{$typeKey}-#{$sizeKey} {
          #{$type}: $size * $spacing-base-size;
      @each $sizeKey, $size in $spacing-sizes {
        .#{$typeKey}x-#{$sizeKey} {
          #{$type}-left: $size * $spacing-base-size;
          #{$type}-right: $size * $spacing-base-size;
      @each $sizeKey, $size in $spacing-sizes {
        .#{$typeKey}y-#{$sizeKey} {
          #{$type}-top: $size * $spacing-base-size;
          #{$type}-bottom: $size * $spacing-base-size;
      @each $dirKey, $dir in $spacing-direction {
        @each $sizeKey, $size in $spacing-sizes {
          .#{$typeKey}#{$dirKey}-#{$sizeKey} {
            #{$type}-#{$dir}: $size * $spacing-base-size;
    // 超出隐藏
    @mixin ellipsis($rowCount: 1, $width: 100%) {
      width: $width;
      @if $rowCount <=1 {
        overflow: hidden;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        white-space: nowrap;
      } @else {
        min-width: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        display: -webkit-box;
        -webkit-line-clamp: $rowCount;
        -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
    // border-bottom
    @mixin border-bottom($width: 100%, $height: 1px, $color: #eee) {
      position: relative;
      &::after {
        position: absolute;
        left: 0;
        bottom: 1px;
        width: $width;
        margin-left: 50%;
        content: "";
        height: $height;
        background: $color;
        transform: translateX(-50%);
    @mixin images {
      & > img {
        display: block;
        width: 100%;
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
    @mixin setFont($size: $font-content, $color: $content-color, $weight: normal) {
      font-size: $size;
      color: $color;
      font-weight: $weight;
      // letter-spacing: 0.5px;
    @mixin linear-gradient($orientation: to right, $firstColor: #7876cc, $sencondColor: #8c97de) {
      background: linear-gradient($orientation, $firstColor, $sencondColor);
    @mixin devborder($color: red) {
      @if ($isDev) {
        box-sizing: border-box;
        border: 1px solid $color;



          本文标题:scss 集
