

作者: 南武修 | 来源:发表于2019-10-20 14:52 被阅读0次


         雷伊·达里奥,Ray Dalio,桥水基金(Bridgewater Associates)总裁,福布斯全球第88位。

         我在此写下这两条原则,是因为我想到自己的儿子和他的未婚妻马上要结婚了。同时我想到我的另外两个已婚了的儿子和他们与他们的妻子的婚姻,也想到了我和我妻子43年的婚姻生活,我和我在桥水基金合伙人的几十年的合作关系,还有我其他的长期的深厚的其他各种情谊。这些种种的关系和与人的连接,是我生命当中最美好的事情。 同时我也觉得自己也应该将我所学到的如何拥有这么多美好有意义的一生之久的关系的一些原则分享给大家。







        在这样一个评估的过程中,请记住: a) 你所能拥有的这个世界上最伟大和最美好的事务就是这些伟大的关系,尤其是那些很重要的伟大的关系; b) 如果你不能克服这些关系中的一些分歧和美中不足,是无法能够长期的拥有和维护这些伟大的关系的。


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    Original  Essay: 

    I just wrote these two principles because I’m thinking about my son and his fiancé who are about to be married, I’m thinking about my two other married sons and their relationships with their wives, I’m thinking about my 43-year marriage with my wife, I’m thinking about the multi-decade partnerships with my partners at Bridgewater, and I’m thinking about my many other long and deep relationships. These relationships have been the best things in my life, and I’m thinking that I should pass along the principles I learned about how to have such meaningful lifelong relationships.

    Principle 1):

    What creates and sustains truly great relationships (like great marriages and great partnerships) is the unwavering belief that nothing is more important than the relationship.

    That’s because in all relationships there will be bad times and disagreements including very big and important ones, and what is required to sustain relationships through those bad times and large and small disagreements is the belief that no issue is more important than the relationship. It is that belief and the mutual demonstrated commitment to it that creates the willingness to work things out so that the bad times and the disagreements are gotten through together. Each needs to give that type of commitment and to see the other give it in order to have the great relationship. If you both believe hard enough that that’s true and operate as though it is true, it will probably become true, and if you don’t believe it’s true or you don’t act as though it’s true it doesn’t have a chance of becoming true. It is that demonstrated that is true love. 

    Of course, in the early stage of a relationship there is no reason to believe that nothing is more important than the relationship and that the mutual commitments are there because that hasn’t been well tested. Because of that, you just have to have faith that it’s true and act as if it’s true and then see if the other person does the same. And of course, just the belief that the relationship is more important than the issues will not matter if the issues are really more important than the relationship. So, when facing those challenging bad times and disagreements in a relationship, and when making those important calls of what’s most important, you need to think hard about how important the relationship you have really is relative to how important getting your way is because the decisions you will make at those times either strengthen your relationship or weaken it.

    Principle 2):

    If you need to assess the value of your relationship, think hard about whether your most important values and principles are aligned, putting the really important ones ahead of the not so important ones.

    In doing that assessment, please remember that a) the greatest things to have in life are great relationships, especially your most important relationships, b) you won’t be able to have great long-term relationships if you can’t get past the the disagreements and the imperfections because all relationships have disagreements and imperfections, c) no relationship will work in the long run if your most important values and principles are not aligned, and e) it takes a whole lot of trying and figuring things out in order come up with the best path.



