day21 cover letter

day21 cover letter

作者: 青春正能量_ | 来源:发表于2017-04-24 22:23 被阅读0次

    April 24th,

    Mr. Liu

    Manager of XueSi education school

    Re:  teacher job searching

    Mr. liu,

     I am so excited to see your timely reply, and the position I am interested is middle school English teacher, with four years study of English, I am equipped with professional knowledge, and I have already passed TEM4 and with full marks in listening comprehension during the CET4 test. Having similar experiences in LingHang education and also being a tutor for a few month, I am quite confident that I will be able to this job.

     As I am an outgoing girl, people will find me easy to get along with. Besides studying, I also cultivated many hobbies, take dance as an example, I have learnt from 9 years old, by learning it, I become persistent  in during works and free myself from worries or pressure.

     In short, I am honest and warm-hearted, be ready to challenge and learn new things. good at communicating and treat every students with respects and patience. I am looking forward  to you reply!

    Yours sincerely,




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