As yet daughter is still reluctant to listen to English apart from songs and furthermore she threat that she will dislike me should I continue to talk English.
Although the idea of English only talking is sound, it is not in line with 5 years old girl's preferance. The likelihood of have tantrum is high if I make english talking mandatory. My preliminary thought was expose her to English as quickly as possible, and never imagine I could face my myraid resistance from her.
Given the fact that my girl 's comprehension of basic words in the taught song, I would say my tentative plan works some way. She can identify the body part while singing the songs about it . In principle I will stick to my long term plan of language acquisition , but subject to her comprehension rate and preference.
Let us address this issue together. If we find out her items of interest and Connect that with English , the the resistance might be removed peacefully. Please confirm you understanding .