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- 英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part3 Vocabu
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- 英语流利说 Level 4 Unit2 Part3 Vocabu
- 英语流利说 Level 4 Unit2 Part3 Vocabu
- 英语流利说 Level 4 Unit2 Part3 Vocabu
Regulations in Company
To sue, to take someone to court in illegal disagreement.
They broke a contract and didn't pay, so we sued them and won.
She sued her employer for firing her, but she lost because they had the right to fire her.
We had to be very careful when we talked to her because we didn't want to be sued.
To restrict, to put limit on something.
This is a restricted area, so stay away.
We need to restrict them from talking to anyone about our project.
The government tied to restrict people from going there because it was too dangerous, but some people insisted on going.
To negotiate, to deal with or bargain with others to reach an agreement.
Instead of starting a war, we should negotiate and find a way to compromise.
We are trying to negotiate a better deal, but it isn't easy.
If we agree to buy more, then we can negotiate for a volume discount.
Responsible for or responsible to, to be responsible for something means to have the job of getting it down or taking care of.
If you are responsible to someone, it means that you are working under their control.
We have many responsibilities, but she is the one responsible for product development.
Oversee or supervise, to control or direct a process or project.
One of his responsibilities was to supervise the rescue operations and keep things under control.
As product manager, she oversees the work of several departments.
It's my responsibility to oversee how things are being done and then make recommendations to the CEO.
If something is confidential, you should restrict access to it.
They broke our contract and didn't pay, so we sued them and won.
If you are responsible to someone it means that you are working under their control.
We need to report his to our boss because we are responsible to her and because she will judge our performance.
Business Terms
To merge, to combine or come together.
Those two companies used to be competitors, but now they have merged into one company.
When the two companies merged, many people were laid off.
When the two companies merged, some of their best people left and started another company.
To acquire, to buy or take position.
Some big companies grow by acquiring other companies.
One way to protect your business is to acquire your competitors.
The best way to acquire a new skill is to find a great teacher or program and practice every day.
An agenda, a plan or a list of items to be discussed at a meeting.
The agenda for the meeting is still unclear.
What are the main points on the agenda for the meeting.
He may have a hidden agenda that hides his real plans, so let's be careful what we say at the meeting.
A contract, a written document that defines the rules in a relationship.
A contract isn't usually useful until things begin to go badly in a relationship.
According to our contract, their first payment is due next week.
It took a long time to agree on a contract because their lawyers kept finding issues that kept us apart.
The contract was too much in their favor, so we didn’t sign it.
Assets and liabilities, assets are what you own and liabilities are what you owe.
Knowing the assets and liabilities of a company helps determine a company's value.
The company had more liabilities than assets so we decided not to invest.
They have to pay a huge tax penalty, so they have lost value due to the increase in their liabilities.
One way to protect your business is to acquire your competitors.
Those two companies used to be competitors, but now they have merged into one company.