每日一词 173 mold

每日一词 173 mold

作者: 琢石喵 | 来源:发表于2019-05-23 06:00 被阅读0次


    基础篇: meaning:  to influence the way someone's character or attitudes develop 

    进阶篇:mold 可以作名词也可以作动词,作名词的意思是“模具”、“类型”。作动词的基本意思是“用模具塑造”, 可以引申为“影响”、“塑造”, 和我们之前学过的shape 异曲同工。我们今天学习它作动词的引申义。可以把它和我们熟悉和学习过的 influence, impact, shape, sway 放在一起记。英式拼法: mould.


    The mission of the business school is to mold students into business-savvy and analytical managers. 

    这句话中的 mold something/ somebody into something 是一个常用的搭配,来自动词本意“用模具塑造。” 再比如,很多家长希望孩子教育/ 塑造成勤奋、有好奇心的人。

    Many parents hope to mold their children into hard-working and curious minds. 


    Just as school buildings influence how students learn, so offices mold the people who work in them. 

    经济学人 用例:

    Mr. Azhar himself has at various times been detained, before being quietly released to mold more jihadists. 

    This report will explore how Muslim identity has been molded by external and internal pressures since the mass migration to the West began in the 1950s. 

    Foreign organizations, Western governments and jihadists have all sought to speak for and mold Islam in the west, but the more established the faith becomes there, the less truck it wants with any of them. [If you say that you will have no truck with somebody or something, you are refusing to be involved with them in any way.不愿参与,不愿来往,不掺和]



    Trump is used to molding public opinion through tweets.

    Trump is used to using tweets to mold public opinion. 

    2) 造句:社交媒体在形塑社会重扮演重要角色

    Social media play a key role in molding civil society today. 



          本文标题:每日一词 173 mold
