bow to sth: to agree unwilling to do sth because other people want you to
仿句:He finally bowed to the fact he couldn't continue the study -
slate: v. to plan that sth will happen at a particular time in the future
~ sth for sth
~sth to do sth
仿句:He slated a trip for this summer -
never-ending: adj. seeming to last forever
仿句:clothes washing is a never-ending task -
windfall: an amount of money that sb/sth wins or receives unexpectedly
仿句:The girl got a windfall of 5,000 dollars -
chalk sth up to sth: to consider that sth is caused by sth
仿句:His chalked his success to luck
Some thoughts
作为一位胸怀大志的老板,Musk在听到下属报告一次次失败时,虽然心里在滴血,Musk had been near tears during this call after hearing the frustration and agony in Mueller's voice但表面上还是安慰下属 * calm down, we'll do it again tomorrow * , 看到这里忍不住笑了。
书上有句话看到时就觉得好温暖:* SpaceX had developed the feeling of a small, tight-knit family up against the world *,一群有着共同目标的人聚在一起努力,于我们局外人而言那个小世界就像一个小小的Utopia。