landing guy

landing guy

作者: LFBuildMountain | 来源:发表于2018-08-08 12:30 被阅读0次

Landing Guy (Cover 刘昊霖) - 汽子橘

Right I die My life before my eyes
As I was hang there I see wonderland
I don't really see much of anything
But I see you That is crazy
Your landing guy is home
Oh it's magic oh that's magic
Your landing guy is home
Oh it's magic oh that's magic

Night to day and day to night
All the sadness you take my breath away
So I cried for all these time
Then I comes closes you stare at me
Are we falling in love
Oh it's magic oh that' magic
Are we falling in love
Oh it's magic oh that's magic
Your landing guy is home
Oh it's magic oh that's magic
Your landing guy is home
Oh it's magic oh that's magic
Oh it's magic oh that's magic
Oh it's magic oh that's magic


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