20190326 inertia

20190326 inertia

作者: angelqi_b03a | 来源:发表于2019-03-26 13:47 被阅读0次

    inertia  /ɪ'nɜːʃə/


    n. if you have a feeling of inertia, you feel very lazy and unwilling to move or be active. 不可数名词  惰性,迟钝,怠惰

    2. inertia is the tendency of a physical object to remain still or to continue moving, unless a force is applied to it. 不可数名词   惯性  Technical

    when no one wants to do anything to change a situation




    1. He stayed where he was, not because he got unlucky, but out of inertia. 他原地踏步,不是运气不好而是由于懒惰。

    but out of 出于…  比如 but out of love/instinct 出于爱/本能

    2. Many projects in big companies are frequently abandoned through sheer inertia. 大公司的很多项目经常因为完全不作为而被放弃。

    sheer adj. 纯粹的,陡峭的,极轻薄的  through sheer inertia

    3. All this is intended to ensure that Mr Prayuth remains prime minister, despite his inertia and ineptitude. 这一切都试图确保 Prayuth继续担任首相,而不考虑他的懒政与无能。

    ineptitude /ɪ'neptɪtjuːd/ n. 笨拙,无能,不称职

    4. America is not Switzerland. Taxpayer-sponsored heroin therapy is unlikely any time soon. But even less controversial harm-reduction policies are being stymied by governmental inertia and a misunderstanding of the evidence. 美国不是瑞士。纳税人资助的海洛因疗法短期内不太可能。但是,由于政府的不作为以及对证据的误解,更少争议的降低危害的政策正受到阻碍。

    stymie /'staɪmɪ/ v. 妨碍,从中作梗

    5. In sub-Saharan Africa, only Tanzania(坦桑尼亚), Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚) and Eritrea(厄立特里亚) do not use a colonial language at all during primary education. Others use either English or French. That is partly because of inertia/inactivity.

    sub-Saharan 撒哈拉沙漠以南的



    The city's tourism resources are underused largely because of its governmental inertia. / The city's tourism resources are underused largely out of its governmental inertia. / Had it not been for the bureaucratic inertia, this city's tourism resources would better exploited.


    This education program has being stymied by governmental inaction/inertia, which is not a good sign.



          本文标题:20190326 inertia
