Module 2- Reflective Listening/ Rapport
Lecture 3- Lecture 3: Reflective Listening& Rapport
Reflective listening techniques- active listening
understand- trust- compliant (compliance 非常重要,特别是在pandamic的时候)
Establishing rapport- introduce yourself in a respectful manner and explain who you are, what you're doing
Well-phrased question- how are you doing?
Summary paraphrase- take someone else's words, rephrasing it
Empathy- sit beside someone
"We must sometimes bear witness to someone's distress before they are ready to receive objective assistance ”
Lecture 4- How reflective listening works
Reflective listening 体现了
1-A willingness to listen
2-Rapport, alignment (avoids arguments)
3-Value in what the other person has to say
4-A desire to assist in problem solving
5-a sense of interpersonal support
1-be present
2- listen
3-allow catharsis(精神发泄)
4- don't rush to solve a complicated problem with a simplistic solution
5- don't try to make the person feel better by diminishing, trivializing his/her concerns
6-don't argue