Access adb devices from WSL

Access adb devices from WSL

作者: JaedenKil | 来源:发表于2022-02-11 13:49 被阅读0次

    While there is an android device connected to windows PC via usb adb, the device can be accessed from windows terminal:

    $ adb devices
    adb server version (39) doesn't match this client (41); killing...
    * daemon started successfully
    List of devices attached
    2022010704      device

    The device cannot be accessed from WSL:

    $ adb devices
    adb server version (39) doesn't match this client (41); killing...
    * daemon started successfully
    List of devices attached
    2022010704      device


    1. Install adb for WSL
      In WSL terminal, install adb
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install adb
    1. Check WSL adb version & windows adb version
    # Windows
    $ adb version
    Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
    # WSL
    madhatter@xxx:/$ adb version
    Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39
    1. Make sure the adb versions are the same, if not, upgrade one
      3.1 Download platform tools to windows: Search for "Download SDK Platform-Tools for Linux"
      3.2 Move the platform tools to desired location and unzip(Maybe sudo apt install unzip is needed)
    # WSL
    cp -r /mnt/c/Users/zzheng/Downloads/platform-tools_r32.0.0-linux.zip .
    unzip platform-tools_r32.0.0-linux.zip

    3.3 Check adb version

    # WSL
    madhatter@xxx:~/PlatformTools$ ./platform-tools/adb version
    Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
    Version 32.0.0-8006631
    Installed as /home/madhatter/PlatformTools/platform-tools/adb

    3.4 Link the new adb

    # WSL
    madhatter@xxx:~/PlatformTools$ ln -s ./platform-tools/adb /usr/bin/adb
    ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/bin/adb': File exists

    If the error msg is displayed, run the below command

    # WSL
    madhatter@xxx:~/PlatformTools$ sudo ln -sf ./platform-tools/adb /usr/bin/adb
    [sudo] password for madhatter:

    3.5 Update env var:

    # WSL
    export PATH=/home/madhatter/PlatformTools/platform-tools:${PATH}
    # Update bashrc
    vim ~/.bashrc
    # Add the line to the end of the file
    export PATH=/home/madhatter/PlatformTools/platform-tools:${PATH}
    # source bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
    1. Check adb version
    # WSL
    madhatter@xxx:~/PlatformTools$ adb version
    Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
    Version 32.0.0-8006631
    Installed as /home/madhatter/PlatformTools/platform-tools/adb
    1. Check adb devices
    madhatter@xxx:/$ adb devices
    List of devices attached
    2022010704      device

    Possible alternative method:

     mkdir -p /usr/local/android-sdk \
      && cd /usr/local/android-sdk/ \
      && curl -OL https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-linux.zip \
      && unzip platform-tools-latest-linux.zip \
      && rm -f platform-tools-latest-linux.zip \
      && ln -s /usr/local/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb /usr/bin/adb \
      && export PATH=/usr/local/android-sdk/platform-tools:${PATH} \
      && echo "export PATH=/usr/local/android-sdk/platform-tools:${PATH}" >> /etc/profile \



        本文标题:Access adb devices from WSL
