流利说 D38 2018-08-01 三

流利说 D38 2018-08-01 三

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-08-01 22:39 被阅读7次



    • Listening-"QuickServe 1"-D36-18/07/30



    • Listening-"QuickServe 2"

    1、Its prices are reasonable and its services are quick and efficient.

    2、With each satisfied customer, more customers subscribe.

    3、The company takes great pride in being honest with its customers.

    4、There are no hidden charges for their services.

    5、QuickServe has an excellent reputation[名声].

    6、In this type of business, person to person contact is the key to success.

    7、These bonus points can be used to buy new appliances, such as stoves and refrigerators.
    [In addition, QuickServe gives bonus points to customers for each year that they subscribe.]

    8、They also believe that taking their company public can make them rich.

    9、The least expensive service plan is called the basic plan.

    10、This means that the public can buy shares of the company.

    11、This plan provides non-emergency services with a very low service charge.


    1、The company's service employees are clean, polite and efficient.

    2、The company provides a range of service plans, each with a different subscription price.

    3、As a result, the number of customers in each city is growing rapidly.

    4、It provides quick, reliable repair services to homes.

    5、This kind of word-of-mouth advertising is very cost effective. --Cost effective means that the results are good without paying a high price.

    6、QuickServe cleans roofs, fixes Internet connections and replaces broken windows.

    7、QuickServe handles plumbing and electrical issues 24 hours a day.

    8、The company plans to expand to 10 cities within the next 24 months.

    9、The number of customers in each city is growing rapidly.

    10、If a store is open to the public, it means anyone can come in.

    11、The public can buy shares of this company.

    12、Quality service provides its own reward to the company.

    13、QuickServe provides quick, reliable repair services to homes.



          本文标题:流利说 D38 2018-08-01 三
