Day 3

作者: 一篇一篇写给你 | 来源:发表于2018-10-24 22:52 被阅读0次

    Tech firms in emerging markets


    Clash of the titans



    Chinese and American tech giants are at confrontation in India and Southeast Asia, etc. 

    ②TWO contests are under way in which titans holding billions in their thrall vie for global 


    domination. One is unfolding on Russian football pitches and features the likes of 

    一个是解释俄罗斯足球界对内马尔(Neymar)和哈里 凯恩(Harry Kane的偏爱这些特点

    Neymar and Harry Kane. The other is playing out on the smartphone screens of consumers in India, Indonesia, Brazil and other emerging economies.There, American online superstars such as Google, Facebook and Amazon are pitted against a Chinese dream team led by Alibaba and Tencent. 


    ③The geopolitics of business means that the world’s biggest tech firms have swelled to combined market capitalisations of over $4trn without really going head to head.


     China blocked Google et al with its Great Firewall, preventing American firms (Apple is an obvious exception) from taking on Chinese rivals on the mainland. Chinese giants have stayed out of America; Europe fell under the spell of Silicon Valley before Chinese tech had matured.

    ④Time, and capabilities, have changed.Chinese tech firms once simply mimicked Silicon Valley products, from search engines to e-commerce and social networks. 


    Now the copycats have become pioneers. WeChat, a messaging app run by Tencent with endless bells and whistles, for example, rivals anything from California.

    ⑤No matter, so far as the tech firms are concerned. Winning the next billion users is seen as an investment worth making at almost any cost. Chinese tech giants must reckon with a dwindling number of new recruits to the internet at home; they also have the confidence, clout and capabilities to expand abroad. America’s titans might once have expected to face meek local rivals in emerging markets; now they have a fight on their hands.四年前,当足坛巨人们拼力争夺上一次世界殊荣之时,科技巨头们还无从想象将有此一战。

    four years ago, when football titans struggled for last world privilege, tech titans have never thought there would be a war like that. 



          本文标题:Day 3
