

作者: Pentacle_V | 来源:发表于2020-05-20 23:45 被阅读0次



    smudged the ink so badly 形成污迹

    doddery old fools 衰老的

    draw away 移开

    looking derisively  嘲讽地

    Look at him blubber! 哽咽

    muster 集中力量

    flabbergasted 目瞪口呆地

    reprovingly 责备地

    You're cracking up. 垮掉

    rickety table 快要散架

    flinching 畏惧

    conscious mind 意识心理

    portents 预兆

    looking scandalized 愤慨

    clairvoyant: foreseeing the future 预示未来

    plainer 更清楚的

    unmistakable 无可质疑的

    pore over 啃书,熟读

    enmity 仇恨

    smart about 很清楚

    worm his way out of 免于

    a highly charged atmosphere 紧张

    scuffles 扭打,打架

    culminate in 达到极点,最终

    leeks sprouting out of ears 韭菜……

    pop up 突然出现

    slouch away 懒散地走开

    put him out of action 使失去战斗力

    take up the challenge 打擂台

    persuits 工作

    exuberant 生机勃勃的

    a spurt of flames

    steed 坐骑

    treetop 树稍

    skirting the edge of 沿着边缘走

    bottle-brush tail 瓶刷样的

    impair your vision 损害你的视力

    tersely 简洁地

    wriggly 蠕动的

    rosettes 玫瑰形标志

    punch in the air 用手打空气(获胜的动作)

    chuck his Beater's club at the back of Flint's head 扔出

    unprovoked attack 无缘无故的

    Come off it! 住口,别吹牛了!

    cartwheeled 翻车

    lurch away 偏离开

    Lee swore badly. 咒骂

    resort to any means to 采取任何的手段

    in retaliation 报复,反击

    be beside herself 极度兴奋

    Scum 败类

    be level 同等高度的,水平的

    wave upon wave of 一波接一波的

    Hands were raining down on their backs.

    Thrust into the light. 众人关注的

    Words failed me. 说不出话来



