

作者: do_young | 来源:发表于2018-04-20 09:38 被阅读307次


    9    One, two, three.

    10    - #Baba-ba-baba-#Ahhahhah-ah-ahahh

    11    And D on drums!

    12    No! Only three allowed.

    13    One, two, three.

    14    - And the drummer makes four. -Nn-nn!

    15    Ban four, ban four. Three's enough, nomore!

    16    I don't think so.

    17    One, two, three, four.

    18    #Baba-ba-babababa-ba-ba

    19    #Baba-ba-baba

    20    #Duhduhduh-duh-duh

    21    # Two's company and three's a crowd

    22    # But nobody's keeping score

    23    # I'm going to sing it now

    24    # I'm going to sing it loud

    25    # You can do so much more

    26    # Yes, you can do much more with four

    27    - # -Uhhh- #Ssssss

    28    # You've been waiting for a bus

    29    # And now you're on your way

    30    # But if it ends up -

    31    # It might spoil your holiday

    32    # Now that it's bust

    33    # It'll start to rust

    34    # You need a new way to explore

    35    # You can do much more with four

    36    No!

    37    We'll race you.

    38    Waaaaah!

    39    # If you're hoping for a win

    40    # In a sailing race

    41    # You're going to need some -

    42    # You could end up in first place

    43    # With the wind in your sails you know itnever fails

    44    # You can race from shore to shore

    45    # You can do much more with four

    46    - Terrific! - Excellent.


    48    Ten out of ten!

    49    # If you want to score a ten

    50    # You need to get it right

    51    # But when you pitch your -

    52    # It's somewhere safe to sleep at night

    53    # You're safe in your tent

    54    # You know it's heaven sent

    55    # You'll be warm and dry for sure

    56    # You can do much more with four

    57    Aaaaaah!

    58    # There's a ram that's trying to ram us

    59    # Andrampagethrough the camp

    60    # We can send him safely on his way

    61    # If we can build ourselves a -

    62    # Four saved the day and now the band canplay

    63    # Our friendship is worth more

    64    # We can do much more with four

    65    # We can do much more with four

    66    # If your camp is in a mist

    67    #Then you must not roam

    68    # You know you might get -

    69    # Perhaps it's time to go on home

    70    # Can't find your way?

    71    # We'll get you home today

    72    # So make your way down to the shore

    73    # You can do much more with four

    74    # When a problem makes you gulp

    75    # And you're stranded on the sand

    76    # You can get a little -

    77    # And soon you'll be back on dry land

    78    # Two's company and three's a crowd

    79    # But nobody's keeping score

    80    # We're going to sing it now, we're goingto sing it loud

    81    # You can do so much more

    82    # Yes, you can do much more with four

    83    # You can do much more with four. #


    9    -Ssss.-Vvvvvv!

    10    Vvvvvvvvv!

    11    Ssss.

    12    FANFARE

    13    Ksss..

    14    Kss!

    15    Ssss.

    16    Teetiddly-umtum,tum,tum,tum.

    17    - Whatever is the matter? - I so wish Icould be asuperherolike X.

    18    Or super fast like V.

    19    I'm not special.

    20    I'm just an ordinary letter.Ssss.

    21    Ttt!You are special, S.

    22    # Have you ever seen a spinning top?

    23    # Have you ever made it s-t-o-p?

    24    # See what you can do

    25    # Just by being you

    26    # You made a difference

    27    # Have you ever painted with a pot?

    28    # Have you ever tried a s-p-o-t?

    29    # You made a work of art

    30    # Just by taking part

    31    # You made a difference

    32    # You don't have to be a winner or asuperstar

    33    # You can change the world just by beingwho you are. #

    34    Sss-sss-sss-sss-sss!

    35    Ssssssss.

    36    Sssssss.

    37    - Is something wrong? -Kk-kk-kk.

    38    I can't understand why I'm even a letter.

    39    I make the same sound as my brother.

    40    Aaaaah!

    41    # Can you place your hands upon your lap?

    42    # Raise them in the air and c-l-a-p?

    43    # You can make a noise

    44    # It's one of life's great joys to make adifference

    45    # You don't have to be a winner or asuperstar

    46    # You can change the world just by beingwho you are. #

    47    Clap your hands,

    48    slap your thigh,

    49    flap your wings

    50    and pretend to fly.

    51    Come on, K.

    52    Skipdownhill,

    53    slip and slide,

    54    flip right over,

    55    it's afairgroundride.

    56    # Change it

    57    # Rearrange it

    58    # Add one and take one away

    59    # New faces

    60    # Swap places

    61    # Every single one of us has a part to play

    62    # No matter what they say. #

    63    Ssssss!

    64    Baaaaaa,

    65    baaaaa.

    66    # Have you ever ridden on a ram?

    67    # I prefer to take the t-r-a-m

    68    # Anyone can see

    69    # Just by being me I made a difference

    70    # Everyone can do it

    71    # Go on, have a bash

    72    # Even tiny pebbles can make a splash

    73    # You don't have to be a winner or asuperstar

    74    # You can change the world just by beingwho you are. #


    10    - POP! -Rrrrrr!

    11    -Nn-nn! - K!

    12    Aaaaaaaaaa!

    13    THEY LAUGH

    14    Aaaaa.

    15    The joke is always on... A! ..me!

    16    Oh, A!

    17    - P. - R. - A. - N. - K.

    18    Prank! TOOT!

    19    Aaa.Aaaaa.

    20    - What's a prank? - I know! It's a... - P.P. P.

    21    - A prank is when you play jokes. TOOT! -Aaaa.

    22    So I can play jokes on all of you!

    23   - Time to pop off. POP! - Rope!Rrrrr.

    24    - THEY LAUGH -Aaaaaaaaa!

    25    - It's tea time. - Did someone say tea?

    26    - Sausages! -Ssssss.

    27    Did someone say sausages?

    28    # My nose is red, it's round, it's fun

    29    # I can play pranks on everyone. #

    30    -Sss.- T. - I. -Nn. - K.

    31    Stink!

    32    - I stink, I stink! - And I stink too!

    33    I think I stink much more than you!

    34    LAUGHS

    35    Friends, where R U?

    36    - Did someone call our names? -Aaaaaaaa!

    37    - TOOT! T. - R. - U. - N. - K.

    38    Trunk.


    40    # A lovely trunk has got us wet

    41    # We are as wet as we can get! #

    42    - Run! - OK! - Silly sausages!

    43    - Did someone say silly sausages? -Mmm!

    44    - Terribly sorry, no sausages. A's playingtricks. -Ooh!

    45    - O, o, o, o, o-oh! - POP!

    46    - Have the pranks stopped? - Oh!

    47    TOOT!

    48    - S. - T. - O. - M. - P.

    49    Stomp!

    50    #StompstompstompWhat's that? Oh no! #

    51    Ooooh!

    52   # A boot is having fun with O! #

    53    LAUGHS TOOT!

    54    - S. - T. - A. - M. - P.

    55    Stamp!

    56    # Stamp stamp stamp stamp all around

    57    # Let's stamp our letters on the ground. #

    58    Terrible tricks. These pranks won't do.

    59    A, stop before they happen to you!

    60    Unbelievable!

    61    Alphalandis ruined!

    62    - T-T-T. We need a plan. -Uh,uh,uh,uh.

    63    Unbelievable!

    64    WHISTLES TOOT!

    65    -Pp.L. - A. - N. - K.

    66    Plank.

    67    - I said a plan, not a plank! -Rrrr!

    68    # Right then, rascals Walk the plank. #

    69    A pirate ship! Myfavouriteprank!

    70    Uh!I wish I could pull a stunt like that.

    71    T. Terrific idea, U!

    72    No sausages!

    73    Sssss.Did someone say sausages?

    74    Did someone say no?

    75    - S. - T. - U. - N. - T.

    76    Stunt.

    77    Stunt?

    78    What's astu-aaaa!

    79    Aaaaa!

    80    - Stink! - I'm A, I stink of smelly socks.

    81    -Stomp!

    82    - Stamp! - Stamp stamp stamp the letter A!

    83    Trunk!

    84    Watch me surf on elephant spray.

    85    Aa!I've lost my nose! Well, goodbye then.

    86    What a relief to be A again.


    8    HE SNORES


    10    Exploding X-rays!

    11    Someone needs my help.

    12    Exciting X to the rescue!

    13    I must stop doing that!

    14    My X! It's a...

    15    ..plus!

    16    Plus Man to the rescue!

    17    Rrrr,rrr.Ooh!

    18    - X?! - Plus Man, actually.

    19    I'm a new addition to the team.

    20    HE LAUGHS

    21    I'm doing a treasure hunt

    22    and need to find something with fivepoints. Can you help?

    23    Leave this to me.

    24    Arr.

    25    -Sss.-Ttt. -Arr.

    26    Star.

    27    Five points. Problem solved.

    28    -Arr.- Not really. The thing I'm looking for livesunderwater.

    29    I know something that livesunderwater.

    30    -Sh.-Ff. - Ii. -Sh.

    31    Fish.

    32    Your worries are over.

    33    Rrrr!But I need something that livesunderwater

    34    AND has five points.

    35    You mean something like a star and a fish?Mmm...

    36    I've got it!

    38    Star, plus fish, makes...

    39    -Ss.-Ttt. -Arr.- Star.

    40    -Fff.- Ii. -Shh. - Fish.

    41    Starfish!

    42    Rrr.That's right,

    43    a starfish. Thank you, Plus Man.

    44    My work here is done.

    45    - Bye!

    46    SHEEP BAA

    47    Come back, sheep. Please, come back!

    48    Sheep on the loose? Anunhelpfuldog?!

    49    This looks like a job for Plus Man!

    50    Plus!

    51    Sheep, plus dog, makes...

    52    -Shh.-Ee. -Puh.- Sheep.

    53    -Duh.- Oh. -Gg. - Dog.

    54    Sheepdog.

    55    DOG BARKS


    57    SHEEP BAA

    58    You've done it again, Plus Man!

    59    Oh!

    60    At last!

    61    We need to take this food on a picnic,

    62    but we've got nothing to carry it in.

    63    Lunch? Nothing to carry it in?!

    64    Youneed a handbag.

    65    No, aflowerpot.

    66    - No, a... Oh! - Look out for the bananaskin.

    67    Ow!My head!

    68    Relax, X fans.

    69    I'm back and I know how to fix this.

    70    -Buh.- Oh. - Xx. - Box.

    71    This boxes full of bandages.

    72    That's no good for carrying food.

    73    It does have a cool plus on it, though.

    74    Plus Man would know how to help us. He's myhero.

    75    Plus Man?! What an extremely silly name.

    76    -Ooh!- What exciting things can he do?

    77    He can link things together.

    78    He's lovely!

    79    -Pssh.I can do that without evenflexingamuscle. - No, you can't.

    80    Lunch, plus box, makes...

    81    -Ll.-Uhh. -Nn.-Chh. - Lunch.

    82    -Buh.- Oh. - Xx. - Box.

    83    Lunchbox!

    84    Brilliant! It's good to have you back, oldbuddy!

    85    I never doubted you, X.

    86    - Banana? -Xxx!


    11    Hhh!Hhh!Hhh!Hhh!

    12    Hhh!Hhh!Hhh!

    13    -Wh!-Ph!

    14    What a funny noise!

    15    Where are you going?

    16    Just in time! This tea party is terriblytiresome!

    17    Could you try to liven things up?

    18    Aaaah!Ah! Ah!

    19    - Ah! -Lll!

    20    -Ph!- Ah!

    21    -Buh!-Eh!

    22    Ttt!

    23    Alphabet!

    24    Ah! Ah!

    25    What is this?

    26    Why is it doing that?

    27    Where is it going?

    28    Buh!

    29    Ccc!

    30    It's the alphabet!

    31    But where is the rest of it?

    32    Ggg!

    33    G? What is G doing here?

    34    Where is D?

    35    Buh!Ah!Ggg!

    36    Bag!

    37    What about that?

    38    Ph!I think they want us to collect them!

    39    Whatever for?

    40    Only one way to find out!

    41    # Whistle while we skip along

    42    # Singing our collecting song! #

    43    Whew! Don't mean to whine, but this bag isgetting heavier and heavier!

    44    Let's see if we can make things a biteasier!

    45    Eh!Lll!

    46    -Eh!-Ph!

    47    Ah!Nnn!Ttt!

    48    Elephant!

    49    What awhopper!

    50    Whee!

    51    # With an elephant to help us, we can get

    52    # The entire alphabet! #

    53    Whoa!

    54    This is going to take for ever! What can wedo to go faster?

    55    Wh!

    56    Eee!

    57    Lll!Sss!

    58    Wheels!

    59    Whee!

    60    # On wheels, we canwhizzalong

    61    # Singing our collecting song! #

    62    Whoa!The sea? Where did that come from?

    63    Ha ha ha! Surfing is such fun!

    64    What are we going to do now?

    65    We can't swim out to sea.

    66    Phooey!

    67    This could be a catastrophe!

    68    Unless the letters can help us?

    69    Duh!Oh!

    70    Lll!

    71    -Ph!-Ih!

    72    Nnn!

    73    Dolphin!

    74    # Letter fishing in the sea

    75    # Is such fun - whoop, whoop,whoopee! #

    76    Where are the other letters?

    77    Ph!Up here!

    78    -Wh!-Ooo!

    79    Sh!

    80    Whoosh!

    81    Whooooo!Whoosh!

    82    What fun!

    83    Ph!Ph!Ph!

    84    Thank you, dolphin.

    85    Ph!

    86    -Tally-ho,travellers!- How many letters did you get?

    87    Did you find the whole alphabet?

    88    24, 25... We're one letter short!

    89    Too bad. I hoped it would make this teaparty a bit more toe-tapping.

    90    Which letter is missing?

    91    -Wh!-Ih!

    92    -Ch!- Which!

    93    Which letter? Z!

    94    -Zzz!- We've got the whole alphabet in one bag!

    95    Every word under the sun!

    96    - Phenomenal! -Whoopee!

    97    Tip top! Now, that's what I call a teaparty!



    10    My name is...InkyPinkyDinky!

    11    E-e-excellent! My name is...

    12    EdwardElephant!

    13    Yes! And my name is...

    14    Yo-Yo!

    15    Aaaaaaaaah,ah!

    16    Ah!

    17    - Hello, Amanda Panda. -Aaah...

    18    Hello,Arry-ArabellaGiraffe.

    19    Hello, Apple Tree!

    20    That's not my name. My name is....

    21    Aaaaaah!

    22    Hello,Aaaaaah!

    23    No! My name is...Hic!

    24    Hello,Hic!

    25    - E! You've gothiccups!-Hic!

    26    I know what to do.

    27    Stand on your head.

    28    Hic!

    29    Look at yourself backwards in the mirror.

    30    Hic!

    31    Everyone, emergency!

    32    A hashiccups!

    33    Aaaaaaah!

    34    I think you've done it, E.

    35    Ha! My name is...Hic!

    36    SHE SIGHS

    37    What is my name?

    38    Hic!

    39    # Who am I?

    40    # I can't say...Hic!

    41    # It seems to have slipped my mind...Hic!

    42    # But maybe with help from my friends heretoday

    43    # I'll leave all my troubles behind... #

    44    Hic!

    45    - Excuse me. - I think we can help you sayyour name.

    46    A!

    47    # A A A A A A

    48    # A A A A A

    49    # When I'm with Y we make a bright new...

    50    ALL: # D-AY day!

    51    # When I'm with Y there's always time to...

    52    # PL-AY, play!

    53    # So stay by me

    54    # Soon we'll be on our...

    55    # W-AY, way!

    56    # A A A A A A

    57    # Yes, my name is... #Hic!

    58    SHE SIGHS

    59    What is my name?

    60    # A! A A A A A A

    61    # A A A A A

    62    # I'm happy with I like a puppy that'swaggingits...

    63    # TAI-L, tail! #

    64    Ruff-ruff!

    65    # I'm sticking with I

    66    # and soon we'll be on the...

    67    # T-R-AI-L, trail!

    68    # I'm with I together we're setting

    69    # S-AI-L, Sail!

    70   # A A A A A A

    71    # A A A A A

    72    # A A A A A A

    73    # Yes my name is... #

    74    Hic!I can't do it!

    75    # A! A A A A A A

    76    # A A A A A

    77    # And when magic E does his magic on me

    78    # And we play a little

    79    # G-A-ME, game

    80    # I can bake a cake

    81    # Land on a snake

    82    # You can make me say my...

    83    # NA-ME, name!

    84    # My name is A! #

    85    Yippee!

    86    Thank you, friends, I couldn't have done itwithout you!

    87    # When I'm with Y we say AY

    88    # When I'm with I we say AI

    89    # And when magic E does his magic on me wesay AE, AE, AE

    90    # So what do you say, team?

    91    # You're on the A Team

    92    # And with you by my side I'm going to beA-OK! #


    9    Eh!

    10    I thought today would never end!

    11    # What a day

    12    # For little me

    13    # At last I can rest my head

    14    # Forget all my worries

    15    # And set my mind free

    16    # Take it easy and climb into bed. #

    17    Eh!

    18    - BOTH: - Double E?

    19    Ee.

    20    Sleepover!

    21    #Ee,ee

    22    #Ee,ee,ee,ee

    23    #Ee,ee,ee,ee,ee

    24    #Ee,ee

    25    #Ee,ee,ee,ee

    26    #Ee,ee,ee,ee,ee

    27    Zzz,zzz,zzz,zzz.

    28    Ee.Ee.

    29    Ssss.

    30    P. P. P.

    31    Get up and play!

    32    Ee!

    33    We feel tired!

    34    We need to rest!

    35    # It's been a long day

    36    # We need to go to... #

    37    - S. - L. -Ee.- P.

    38    ALL: Sleep!

    39    Ohh-hh.

    40    # We don't want to play

    41    # We're busy counting... #

    42    -Sh.-Ee. - P.

    43    ALL: Sheep!

    44    Baa!Baa!

    45    # It's no use

    46    # I think we might needBo...

    47    - P. -Ee.- P.

    48    ALL: Peep!

    49    Baa!Baa!

    50    Thank you, LittleBoPeep!

    51    Now, will you agree to keep quiet?

    52    Ohh...

    53    Let's go and play somewhere else.

    54    Ah!

    55    Ea!

    56    Peace at last.

    57    What a treat!

    58    #Ea,ea,

    59    #Ea,ea,ea

    60    #Ea,ea,ea,ea,ea

    61    #Ea,ea

    62    #Ea,ea,ea

    63    #Ea,ea,ea,ea,ea

    64    # When I'm with A

    65    # We make a world-class...

    66    - T. -Ea.- M.

    67    ALL: Team!

    68    # Been busy today

    69    # We're running out of... #

    70    - S. - T. -Ea.- M.

    71    Steam!


    73    # All we want is to go off to sleep and...#

    74    - D. - R. -Ea.- M.

    75    Dream!

    76    #Ea,ea! #

    77    Sorry, kids! Didn't mean to kick it sohard!

    78    But, since you're awake, fancy a kickaround?

    79    Are we ever going to get any peace?

    80    Right.

    81    If you can't beat them, join them!

    82    #Ee,ee,

    83    #Ee,ee,ee,ee

    84    #Ee,ee,ee,ee,ee

    85    #Ee,ee,

    86    #Ee,ee,ee,ee

    87    #Ee,ee,ee,ee,ee

    88    # But when magic E does his magic on me

    89    # I can turn into an...

    90    - A. -Th.- L. -Ee. - T.

    91    ALL: Athlete!

    92    # Without a doubt

    93    # We can wear you out

    94    # When we make you all... #

    95    - C. - O. - M. - P. -Ee. - T.

    96    ALL: Compete!

    97    Everybody, let's have a bed jumpingcompetition!

    98    Ready? Set? Go!

    99    # When I'm with E We sayEe... #

    100    ALL: Sleep!

    101    # When I'm with A, we sayEe... #

    102    Dream!

    103    # And when magic E

    104    # Does his magic on me

    105    # We sayEe

    106    #Ee,ee

    107    # Now you're on the dream team

    108    # So let off some steam, team

    109    # We won't make a peep

    110    # And soon we'll be fast asleep

    111    #Ee,ee

    112    #Ee,ee,ee,ee

    113    #Ee,ee,ee,ee,ee.#

    114    Zzz,zzz,zzz.

    115    BAA!


    10    - Ah... -Eh-eh-eh-eh!

    11    - Good day! - Hello!

    12    Ee!I'm so excited!

    13    I am having a dance party.

    14    - Excellent! - Who's going to come to myparty?

    15    - I will! - I will! - I will!

    16    Ee-ee-ee-ee! Of course I will! It's my party.

    17    Who else is coming? ALL: I am!

    18    Did you just call yourselves I?

    19    Ee!You can't say I.

    20    It's my name. See? Mine.

    21    # Only I can say I

    22    # I'm simply the best I've found

    23    # You'll never do it so don't even try

    24    # I don't need you others around! #

    25    I shall have my party by myself.

    26    I don't need friends.

    27    Who wants to dance? I do! I'll go first!

    28    # I, I, I, I, I, I!

    29    # I, I, I, I, I!

    30    #Igh,igh,igh,igh,igh,igh!

    31    #Igh,igh,igh,igh,igh!

    32    # We're I-G-H and everything's looking... #

    33    B-R-IGH-T... Bright!

    34    # With I-G-H, you're going to see the... #

    35    L-IGH-T... Light!

    36    # Stay right herecostonight is a party... #

    37    N-IGH-T... Night!

    38    #Igh,igh,igh,igh,igh!

    39    #Igh,igh,igh,igh,igh!#

    40    Did you say I?

    41    We all did!

    42    Only I can say I.

    43    #Ie,ie,ie,ie,ie,ie!

    44    #Ie,ie,ie,ie,ie!

    45    # When I'm with E, it's as easy as makinga... #

    46    P-IE... Pie!

    47    # I go with E like a clown with a trickbow... #

    48    T-IE... Tie!

    49    T-t-t-t-t-t!

    50    # Cross my heart, we'd never tell a... #

    51    L-IE... Lie!

    52    I'm a bright blue butterfly!

    53    I'm made ofstinkycheese.

    54    I don't need friends!

    55    I mean, nobody likes me...

    56    Somebody likes me!

    57    - ALL: - We all do. You're our friend!

    58    - It's true. - HE WHISTLES

    59    We... L-I-KE... Like you!

    60    And I like you too.

    61    #Ie,ie,ie,ie,ie,ie!

    62    #Ie,ie,ie,ie,ie!

    63    #Ie,ie,ie,ie,ie,ie!

    64    #Ie,ie,ie,ie,ie!

    65    # And when magic E does his magic on me

    66    # Then it's time for me to... #

    67    SH-I-NE... Shine!

    68    # Staying alive, I will survive

    69    # And together we'll be... #

    70    F-I-NE. Fine!

    71    I... I... I feel fine!

    72    This is fun! I like sharing my name.

    73    Everybody, let's dance!

    74    # We're IGH, we say I!

    75    # When I'm with E, we say I!

    76    # And when magic E does his magic on me...

    77    # We say I, I, I!

    78    # Yes, you can be my friends

    79    # No word of a lie, friends

    80    # And with you by my side

    81    # We're going to be flying high! #



    10    HE SINGS THE SOUND "O"


    12    "O". "O"!

    13    HE SINGS THE SOUND "O"


    15    BOTH: "OA"!


    17    # When I'm with O

    18    # We can ride on a...

    19    - # "G". - "OA". -"T". - Goat! #

    20    Baa!

    21    # When I'm with O

    22    # We'll sail in a sailing...

    23    - # "B". - "OA". -"T". - Boat!

    24    # It's sinking fast!

    25    # Quick! Someone make it...

    26    - # "F". - "L". -"OA". - "T". - Float! #

    27    "OE"!


    29    # When I'm with O we can ride on the backof a...

    30    - # "D". - "OE".Doe! #

    31    A female deer.

    32    Maa.

    33    # This garden's a mess

    34    # We'll dig it up with a...

    35    - # "H". - "OE". Hoe!

    36    # Just watch out Mind you don't stubyour...

    37    - # "T". - "OE". Toe! #

    38    BOTH: Oh!

    39    "OE"!


    41    # I am Magic E and when O goes with me

    42    # We will fall into a...

    43    - # "H". - "OE". -"L". - Hole! #

    44    THEY YELL

    45    # Don't give up hope

    46    # Grab on to the rope

    47    # We'll escape on the back of a...

    48    - # "M". - "OE". -"L". - Mole! #

    49    THEY GASP

    50    Ooh!

    51    "O"!

    52    ALL: Time to go...

    53    - "H". - "OE". -"M". - Home!

    54    I! Hello.

    55    Have you had as interesting a day as Ihave?

    56    Oh...


    58    "OA"!





    63    # When O's with me we say "OA"

    64    # When O's with me we say "OE"

    65    # Yes, I'm Magic E and when O goes with mewe say "OE"

    66    # "OE", "OE". #



    69    Ooh!Ugh!



    10    HE SINGS THE SOUND "O"


    12    "O". "O"!

    13    HE SINGS THE SOUND "O"


    15    BOTH: "OA"!


    17    # When I'm with O

    18    # We can ride on a...

    19    - # "G". - "OA". -"T". - Goat! #

    20    Baa!

    21    # When I'm with O

    22    # We'll sail in a sailing...

    23    - # "B". - "OA". -"T". - Boat!

    24    # It's sinking fast!

    25    # Quick! Someone make it...

    26    - # "F". - "L". -"OA". - "T". - Float! #

    27    "OE"!


    29    # When I'm with O we can ride on the backof a...

    30    - # "D". - "OE".Doe! #

    31    A female deer.

    32    Maa.

    33    # This garden's a mess

    34    # We'll dig it up with a...

    35    - # "H". - "OE". Hoe!

    36    # Just watch out Mind you don't stubyour...

    37    - # "T". - "OE". Toe! #

    38    BOTH: Oh!

    39    "OE"!


    41    # I am Magic E and when O goes with me

    42    # We will fall into a...

    43    - # "H". - "OE". -"L". - Hole! #

    44    THEY YELL

    45    # Don't give up hope

    46    # Grab on to the rope

    47    # We'll escape on the back of a...

    48    - # "M". - "OE". -"L". - Mole! #

    49    THEY GASP

    50    Ooh!

    51    "O"!

    52    ALL: Time to go...

    53    - "H". - "OE". -"M". - Home!

    54    I! Hello.

    55    Have you had as interesting a day as Ihave?

    56    Oh...


    58    "OA"!





    63    # When O's with me we say "OA"

    64    # When O's with me we say "OE"

    65    # Yes, I'm Magic E and when O goes with mewe say "OE"

    66    # "OE", "OE". #



    69    Ooh!Ugh!


    8    # Are you ready for some fun

    10    Is that you, U?Look at the mess you'vemade.

    11    Uh!Ohh!

    12    It wasn't my fault.I don't believe you.

    13    Tell her, E. Tell her, W.

    14    BOTH: U! EW!

    15    Well, what do you say, EW?

    16    BOTH: We sayooh.And we sayyoo.

    17    Ahh!It was you!

    18    Huh?Uh-uh.

    19    # Why would I tell a lie?

    20    # Let me explain in song

    21    # Just hear mystoryandyou will know why

    22    # I haven't done anything wrong

    23    BOTH: You look unhappy, U.Can we help?

    24    Ohhh.

    25    BOTH:Yoo.Ooh.

    26    #Yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo

    27    #Yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo

    28    BOTH: Why don't you try something?

    29    BOTH: U.

    30    ALL: New.

    31    Oh!

    32    Now that is new.

    33    #Ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh

    34    #Ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh

    35    BOTH WHISTLE

    36    # When they held hands

    37    # A mighty oak tree

    38    # G-R-E-W

    39    # Grew!

    40    Ohhh!

    41    # They triedagainbutthen a great wind

    42    # B-L-E-W

    43    # Blew!

    44    Ahhh!

    45    # It got worse

    46    #Whooshand away it

    47    # F-L-E-W

    48    Whoa!Ahhh!Ow!

    49    Yoo.Ooh.

    50    #Ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh

    51    #Ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh

    52    # Iwas with E

    53    # That is completely T-R-U-E

    54    # True!

    55    # I said to E, can you help make me

    56    # B-L-U-E

    57    # Blue!

    58    # Stick with me

    59    # We thought hemeantsticklike G-L-UE

    60    # Glue!

    61    BOTH:Ooh!Yoo!

    62    #Yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo

    63    #Yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo

    64    # R-E-S-C

    65    # To the

    66    # R-E-S-C-UE

    67    # Rescue!

    68    Oooh.

    69    #Yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo

    70    #Yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo,yoo

    71    #Ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh

    72    #Ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh

    73    # And the magicEdidhis magic on me

    74    # And we played a little

    75    # T-U-N-E

    76    # Tune!

    77    #La-la-la-la

    78    # I played a lute, he played a flute

    79    # And he saved me with a

    80    # P-R-U-N-E

    81    # Prune!

    82    ALL: A prune?

    83    THUMP!

    84    THEY GASP

    85    Mmmm.A prune!

    86    # M-U-L-E. #

    87    Ahhhh!

    88    You see. That's how it happened.I believeyou!

    89    # E-W, we sayyooandooh

    90    # When I'm with U, we sayyooandooh

    91    # And when magicEdoeshis magic on me

    92    # We sayyooandooh

    93    # Now you know it's all true

    94    #Ooh,ooh

    95    # There's no need to feel blue

    96    #Ooh,ooh,ooh,ooh

    97    # And thanks to my friends

    98    # There's nothing that U can't do. #

    99    Subtitles by Red Bee MediaLtd


    7    # Are you ready for some fun

    9    TAKES DEEP BREATH#Iiii! #

    10    Nee-naw,nee-naw!You can't catch me-e.Uh-huh!

    11    Yes, I can.Nee-naw,nee-naw...nnnn!

    12    We're playing cops and robbers!

    13    Ii! It's against the rules!

    14    It is!Aaaaaaaaaaah!

    15    Aw!

    16    Aw?Aw! That is against the rules,too.

    17    Aw!Listen. Lovely letters!

    18    Let's just hold hands and... No!

    19    L.Aw.Law!

    20    Eee.What is a law?

    21    A law is arulethatnobody can break.

    22    If you do, I will arrestyoubecauseI am in charge of the law.

    23    And my first law is...

    24    Keep off the grass!

    25    I arrest you in the name of the law.

    26    Uh?He's not on the grass! L.Aw. N.

    27    Lawn.Uh?He is now!

    28    I arrest you in thenameofthe lawn.Uh?

    29    I mean, law.Uh-uh-uh.

    30    He's an outlaw! Arrest him!

    31    No pets.Uh?

    32    He doesn't have any pets! A-W.

    33    P.Aw.Paw.Uh!

    34    I arrest you in the name of the paw.Uh?

    35    I mean, law!Uh-uh-uh.

    36    No bouncy balls.

    37    No showers on the stairs.

    38    No pretending to be police.

    39    Uh?

    40    A-W?

    41    D. R.Aw.Draw.

    42    Uh.Uh.

    43    Uh-uh!

    44    Uh-uh-uh-uh!Uh!

    45    Uh-uh-uh-uh!

    46    Let's investigate, shall we? Au.Bouncyball.

    47    Tick.Au.

    48    Shower on the stairs. Tick.Au-au-au-au-au-au.

    49    Pretending to be police. Tick.

    50    I arrest A-U in the name of the...

    51    Pineapples!Perfect presents for pals.

    52    And nothing that begins with P.

    53    Lovely letters. Let's hold hands.

    54    P.Au.L.Paul!

    55    Hello, everybody.

    56    My name isPaul.

    57    P-A-U-L.

    58    Ee!

    59    I arrest me for beginning with P!

    60    No, I don't! After them!

    61    No unicorns! No jelly monsters.No ghosts.

    62    H.Au.N. T. Haunt.

    63    I am haunting U!

    64    I arrest myself for being a ghost!

    65    No such thing as ghosts.Iunarrestmyself. After them!

    66    No hills. No sky.

    67    No astronauts.

    68    L.Au.N.Ch. Launch.

    69    'Three, two, one, launch.'

    70    I arrest myself!

    71    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    72    In the name of the...law.

    73    I know, let's play cops and robbers!You'reit.

    74    Nee-naw,nee-naw,nee-naw!


    10    G, G, G, G.

    11    I'm growing my hair for the party.

    12    Oooh,it's lovely and long!

    13    Ready, everyone? It's party time...

    14    - But whose party is it? - I know!

    15    Let'sfind out... IR,

    16    IR-IR-IRIR.

    17    - G. - IR.

    18    - L. - Girl!

    19    - Hello! - ALL: Hello, Girl. We're having aparty.

    20    A party? I love parties.

    21    - Whose party is it? - Yours!

    22    A party for me!

    23    But I want lots and lots and lots offriends for my party.

    24    SHE WHISTLES

    25    Ha-ha,hiya!

    26    No, I mean lots and lots and lots more thanthat.


    28    Aaaah!A!

    29    That's better.

    30    Everybody, hold hands.

    31    BIRTHDAY!

    32    It's your birthday party.

    33    Happy birthday!

    34    Yay!

    35    First, we need to make a birthday cake!

    36    - Yummy! - We need eggs, flour, sugar andbutter...

    37    (and a pinch of fairy dust.)

    38    Then you stir it all up.

    39    STIR!

    40    Stir! Stir! Stir!

    41    Stir! Stir! Stir!

    42    SHE GIGGLES Sticky, messy fun!

    43    Now for the best bit. SHE WHISTLES

    44    - QU! - We need to decorate my birthdaycake.

    45    Everybody, hold hands.

    46    SQUIRT!

    47    Squirt!Squirt!Squirt!

    48    Squirt!Squirt!Squirt!Squirt!

    49    Asquidgy,squirtymess!

    50    SHE GIGGLES

    51    Sticky-yuck-yuck. Ha, ha!

    52    I need some new birthday clothes!

    53    SKIRT!

    54    I love my new skirt. Now it's time for...

    55    party games!

    56    - We need music. - Band!

    57    Let's play musical statues.

    58    W-What do we have to do?

    59    I'll show you.

    60    When the music plays, you have to moveabout like this.

    61    Tra-la-la-la-la...

    62    When it stops, you freeze.

    63    Well done. Ready, everyone?

    64    MUSIC PLAYS

    65    Freeze!

    66    TWIRL!


    68    Ooooh!I said freeze.

    69    It's time for birthday presents.

    70    Eh?!

    71    - Have we got a present? - Ah!

    72    This is a special cake, birthday girl.

    73    When you blow out the candles,

    74    - you can make a wish. - A wish!

    75    # Happy birthday, happy birthday Girl

    76    # You can wish for anything in the world. #

    77    I wish... I wish...


    79    Phooooo!

    80    - Open your eyes, birthday girl. - Ha!

    81    BIRD!

    82    TWEETING

    83    A bird! I'm flying on a bird! I love birds.

    84    Oooh,this is the best birthday ever!

    85    SHE LAUGHS


    10    Oh!

    11    - Oh. - Oh. - Oh.

    12    Ohhhh!

    13    - Unbelievable. -Wow. -Yikes.

    14    - Incredible. -Ohhhh!

    15    -Ow.-Ow. -Ow.

    16    -Oy.-Oi.

    17    T-t-t.

    18    What terribletomfooleryis this?

    19    Oy.

    20    - T. -Oy.

    21    Toy.

    22    Ow.

    23    - T. Typical. T-t-t-t-t. -Oy!

    24    Brilliant.

    25    - B. -Oy.

    26    Boy.

    27    Hello. I'm a boy.

    28    Hello. What's a boy?

    29    I am.

    30    K-k-k-k-k.

    31    K.

    32    Ow.

    33    Cow.

    34    Moo.

    35    Moooooo.

    36    Wow.Do it again.

    37    - K. -Ow.

    38    Cow.

    39    - B. -Oy.Boy.

    40    ALL: Cowboy.

    41    Howdy.I'm a cowboy. This here's my horse.

    42    HORSE NEIGHS

    43    And this is my home, the Thousand CowRanch.

    44    What's a cowboy?

    45    A boy who rounds up cows.

    46    Guess I'm off to round one up.

    47    Yee-ha!

    48    Howdy.How'd you twobuckarooslike to help meround up a cow?

    49    Ow.

    50    - Is that a yes? -Ow!

    51    Well, partners, if you want to be cowboys,

    52    you need to look like cowboys...

    53    and you need to walk like cowboys.

    54    Watch me.

    55    That'll do it.

    56    Now, let's go find us a cow.

    57    Howdy.

    58    Howdy,miss.

    59    - L. -Ow.- D.

    60    ALL: Loud.

    61    -Ssh.-Moo!

    62    Moo,moo,moo.

    63    Let's go.


    65    Howdy.

    66    Ssh.

    67    - WHISPERS: - What's that? It sounds like arattlesnake.

    68    -Ssssss.-Howdy.

    69    -Sss.- Oh. - N. - D.

    70    ALL: Sound.

    71    COW MOOS

    72    Yee-ha!

    73    Got you!

    74    MOOING

    75    Looks like we've got ourselves the sound ofa cow.

    76    - Let's find us a real one. -Ssss.

    77    -Ffff.-Howdy.

    78    -Fff.-Ow. - N. - D.

    79    ALL: Found.

    80    COW MOOS

    81    I think we've finally found ourselves acow.

    82    Yee-ha!

    83    Got you!

    84    -Moo.- Found you.

    85    Good job, friends.

    86    One cow rounded up, 999 cows to go.

    87    999?!

    88    Yep.Like I told you, it's the Thousand Cow Ranch.

    89    I've got one cow, but I need athou...


    91    Sssss.

    92    Rattlesnake!

    93    Ahhhhh.Ah.

    94    Howdy.

    95    -Th.-Ow. - Z. - Ah. - N. - D.

    96    ALL: Thousand.

    97   MOOING

    98    Well, how about that?

    99    A thousand cows.

    100    ALL:Yee-ha!

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