美国私立高中 -【校长来信】VT-St. Johnsbury A

美国私立高中 -【校长来信】VT-St. Johnsbury A

作者: fea2a8746a87 | 来源:发表于2019-05-07 09:04 被阅读1次

美国私立高中 -【校长来信】VT-St. Johnsbury Academy 圣约翰学院



【校长来信】VT-St. Johnsbury Academy 圣约翰学院

【校长来信】VT-St. Johnsbury Academy 圣约翰学院

Dear Chinese Parents,


It’s hard to believe that the school year is nearly over. This has been a wonderful year for our students in so many ways. Our athletic teams have won numerous state championships while our chess, robotics, and science Olympiad teams have won at the state and regional level and our seniors continue to receive great news from some of the nation’s leading colleges.


Our math team finished number 28 in the nation in the Math Madness competition, and first among US boarding schools. Math Madness is considered by many to be the premier national competition in the United States. In addition, our math students finished among the top in New England and we have nine students competing at the national level this spring in Chicago. Our art and writing students again led us to be the top school in Vermont at the Scholastic Art and Writing competition, and three of our students went on to medal at the national level.


While we are still compiling the list of colleges where our seniors have been admitted and will ultimately attend, I can share that our Chinese seniors have gained admission to many outstanding colleges and universities, including American, Babson, Bentley, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis, Case Western, Dennison, Emory,  Fordham, George Washington, Lehigh, NYU, Northeastern, Penn State, Pepperdine, Pratt, Syracuse, Trinity, Wake Forest, McGill, Toronto, and the universities of Arizona, Arizona State, California (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz), Georgia Tech, Illinois, Kansas, Miami, Michigan State, Ohio State, Rochester, Southern California, Washington, and Wisconsin.

我们还在整理和统计12年级学生的大学录取名单和入读院校名单,但我在此可以先与您分享一下,我们来自中国的毕业生已经被许多优秀学院和大学录取,包括美国大学, 巴布森学院(注:全美顶尖商学院,商科专项学院,其Entrepreneurship创业学傲居本科最佳商学项目专业排名第一),本特利大学(注:全美顶级商学院,商科专项学院,商科本科位居全美排名前20,其Accounting会计专业与麻省理工学院同类项目并驾齐驱), 波士顿学院, 波士顿大学, 布兰迪斯大学,凯斯西储大学,丹尼森大学, 埃默里大学,福德汉姆大学, 乔治华盛顿大学,  里海大学,纽约大学, 东北大学, 宾州州立大学, 佩珀代因大学,普瑞特艺术学院(注:全美顶级艺术设计学院,纽约三大艺术设计学院之一,其Interior Design室内设计排名全美第一), 雪城大学,三一学院,维克森林,麦吉尔大学,多伦多大学,亚利桑那大学,亚利桑那州大学,加州大学(加州伯克利,加州戴维斯,加州欧文,加州圣地亚哥,加州圣塔芭芭拉,加州圣塔克鲁斯),乔治城理工大学,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校,堪萨斯大学,迈阿密大学,密歇根州立大学,俄亥俄州立大学,罗切斯特大学,南加大,华盛顿大学与威斯康星大学等。与往年一样,我们的学生为这些优秀学院和大学所录取,同时我们也等待着更好的名校录取消息来临,再过不久我们会有一份完整的名单出来与各位家长分享。

I’ve directed this letter to our Chinese parents to be sure you understand the role our alumni, partners, and friends play in our admission decisions. Each year, we receive more than 200 applications from China and admit 10-12 students – an acceptance rate of five percent.  If your child gained admission to St. Johnsbury, it is almost certainly because you enjoy a personal connection with one of our key consulting partners, alumni, or current families, providing your child with preferred admission status.


We rely less upon TOEFL and SSAT scores than other elite schools, because we understand these are not the best predictors of future success. We have enrolled international students for nearly 150 years and have developed programs to serve well those requiring additional English training. Each year, many of our Chinese graduates began in ESL or standard level English, courses not even offered by the highest ranked schools, and yet they gain admission to excellent universities. 


The cost for offering such an array of programs and supports to our students is high. Each year, we must raise $4 million, including $1 million from the Annual Fund to provide the extraordinary array of opportunities our students enjoy. Our entire campus has been built with gifts, not tuition. We have raised and invested more than $30 million since 2000 for a new library, arts center, science and engineering labs and new and renovated dormitories. During the past two years, we have raised an additional $5 million toward the reconstruction of Brantview dormitory. In coming years, we will renovate the Barn, Waterman, Sheepcote, and Tinker dormitories.

当然,为学生提供一系列的课程和支持成本是很高的。每年,我们必须筹募400万美金,其中包括每来自年度基金(Annual Fund)的100万美金,以提供给学生使用这些课程和支持的机会。我们整个校园都是用捐款而非单只是学费建造而成的。自2000年以来,我们已经筹集和投资了超过3000万美金用于建设新图书馆、艺术中心、科学和工程实验室,以及建造新宿舍和翻新宿舍。在过去的两年里,我们又筹集了500万美金,用于重建Brantview宿舍。在未来的几年里,我们也将会对Barn, Waterman, Sheepcote和Tinker宿舍开展翻新工作。

We need your help! Your support will provide the resources our faculty needs to provide our students with the kind of world class opportunities they deserve. We expect every family to a make donation toward this effort. If you can, I ask that you join our President’s Circle by making a gift of $10,000 or more. Our President Circle donors are key partners in our school and enjoy access to our board president that others do not.

我们需要您的帮助! 您的支持将提供我们的教师所需的资源,这些资源将为我们的学生所用,他们应拥有享受世界一流教育水平的机会。我们希望每个家庭都能贡献出自己的一份力量。如果可以,欢迎您捐赠10,000美金或更多的支持来加入我们的President’s Circle项目。我们的President’s Circle捐赠者将是我们学校的主要成员伙伴,同时也享有机会与学校董事会主席有更广泛的资源交流互动。



 John J. Cummings

Associate Headmaster 副校长

Advancement and Admission 发展及招生部



    本文标题:美国私立高中 -【校长来信】VT-St. Johnsbury A
