

作者: 兰呱呱 | 来源:发表于2018-11-09 20:53 被阅读0次


Many of you my friends asked me if I can help that ayi's daughter, unfortunately no, I can't, there is nothing I can do. In here this country, the first and feather is POPULATION. All kinds of people too much, even the graduates, but for all the companies, especially for the private-owned it's getting more difficult for those companies in today's market. So the positions are not enough for those who graduates. Plus she doesn't have good education certificate so it is really low-competitive of her in the talent resources market. So there is not too much I can help her.



Another ayi is the one I am familiar to, she is a little older and comes from the south of China , Sichuan province, 48 years old, I asked her that why she chose to come to Beijing instead of just staying at home at her age, she said, that she has two children, the older one is a daughter already got married is a village of Sichuan province, and another one is a son who is still studying in the third year of university, every year the boy needs 15,000 expense and she is still saving for buying his son a house back to her hometown, that much money how can she just stay in her hometown, so that's why she is working in Beijing right now. When I asked what's her husband does for living, she looks like really shameful and sighed for a long time, shaking her head and said: that my husband doesn't have a stable work to do, just stays at home and does some part-time job, if he earns some money he would put all the money into gamble, and sometimes even ask me and my daughter for money to do the gamble, never offer the money he earns, and always complaints that we don't trust him and complaints we don't give him money, how can we trust him?That money is for our son to study and get married, that's ridiculous.


I was so shocked that she support the whole family by herself. Actually what I want to say is that in China there are so many men they would prefer even stay at home rather than going to outside work in a indecency job, even their wife doing it they would think that kind of job is too shameful for them and once they get used to staying at home and have nothing to do no money to earn, they would feel more sank that's called vicious spiral.


Anyway talk back to the ayi. She is really nice person, always takes food from her cooking last night, and sometimes when I see her eating, I would give her some vegetables and drinks to eat, because every time she eat the same food, tomatoes with eggs and some green leaf food and the rice or mantou. She has nothing to give back to me, so as a return, she would always stay with me when it is her turn to do the late time work, and never make me hurry up always take some good drinks and snacks  secretly from my company has to me. And sometimes gossips with me, I would share my happiness and sadness with her every time, she is really wise as a senor, always give me really good advises. I really don't see her as a cleaning ayi. She is just a college or a old friend for me!


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