读作文 2

读作文 2

作者: 糖宝_BRAVE | 来源:发表于2019-04-01 08:57 被阅读0次

Some students are unable to enter university because of the high cost of tuition fees. Suggest ONE way to solve this problem.

Helping Poor Students Financially

Figures(数据) from the Ministry of Education(教育部) indicate that about 2.63 million college students in China suffer from poverty, accounting for(占) 19 percent of the total of 13.5 million students enrolled. Among them, 1.22 million are categorized as "extremely poor" students. Higher education institutes(普通高校) across the country should launch different programs to provide financial aid to poor college students.

The access to financial aid can prevent poor students from dropping out of colleges and universities. Programs such as “Green Passage" enable poor students to enroll and defer(延迟) tuition payments. The ministry also encourages poor students to apply for state loans. Ministry figures show that the state loan system, introduced in 2000, has aided(帮助了) 2.07 million university students. Furthermore, part of the tuition fees collected every year by each university should be used to help poor students, for example, by offering scholarships, tuition waivers(学费减免) and work-study programs(勤工俭学) under which students help outs in libraries, teachers' offices or service departments to earn money. Last but not least, implementing a program for the exemption of tuition(部分减免) and textbook fees for rural poor students and subsidies(补助金) for poor boarding students(寄宿生) can also help ease the financial burden of poor students. Statistics show that l.78 million poor students are still in need of financial help,

In conclusion, to prevent students from having to abandon their higher studies through financial difficulties, more policies concerning financial aid to poor students need to be mapped out(制定,筹划).

enable+sb to do sth

be in need of 需要


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