The symbolism was painful. Facing the reality of another lost vote in the Commons on March 12th, Theresa May lost her voice too. The prime minister croaked that, now that mps had decisively rejected her Brexit deal for a second time, by 149 votes, they faced “unenviable choices”. But the truth is that, along with her voice, she has lost control of the Brexit process.
象征意义是痛苦的for Brexit~
China growing richer and older.There is, nevertheless, some concern about the implications. In emerging markets big current-account deficits can be a warning sign of financial instability, indicating that countries are living beyond their means and relying on fickle foreign investors to fund their spending.
Rich children are already unfairly advantaged in the game of elite university admissions. They start out with stabler families, better schools and helpful networks. Elite American colleges then operate a large, entirely legal affirmative-action programme for the rich. Most highly selective American universities indulge in “legacy preferences”—positive discrimination for relatives of alumni—that disproportionately benefit the already rich.
Kuakuaqun, or praising groups, on WeChat, where members shower you with over-the-top compliments and positive messages are gaining popularity among college students in China.
Schools choose outstanding students.
--Schools 主语;
--choose 谓语;
--outstanding 定语;
--students 宾语;
Outstanding students are chosen by schools.
e.g. taste, smell, sound, feel and so on.
This flower sells good~
know your material.
If you are not familiar with your material, your nervousness will naturally increase. Practice your speech and revise it until you can present it with ease~
#Question 63#
Where can you see a devil?
Answer: Hot air will sometimes swirl u from dry desert land, carrying dust and sand more than 150 metres high - this is a dust devil!