Rule One: You must know what kind of book you are reading, and you should know this as early in the process as possible, preferably before you begin to read.
很多书一眼就知道类别,有些书分类并不是如想象的那么简单。大类分为虚构类fictional book和指导类expository book。expository book 又可分理论类、实践类。
Rule Two: state the unity of the whole book in a single sentence, or at most a few sentences (a short paragraph ).
Rule Three: Set forth the major parts of the book, and show how this are organized into a whole, by being ordered to one another and to the unity of the whole.
Rule four: Find out what the author's problems were.
找到作者的写作意图。作者要回答的问题,有时也要分不同层次。全书要解决什么问题,个别章节要解决什么问题,都需要搞清楚。如果作者没有明确提出这些问题,要自己概括出来,并且阅读过程中要不断找到subordinate questions。
Rule five : Find out the important words, and through them come to terms with the author.
找到关键词。这些关键词是理解的关键,反之,只有理解了原文,才能找到关键词是什么。有些熟悉或不认识的术语和词汇,搞懂它们很重要,但是它们不一定是key words 。有些词有多意性,搞清楚作者用的是哪一个意思。
Rule six: Find out the important sentence, and discover its propositions.
Rule seven: locate or construct the basic arguments in the book by finding them in the connection of sentence.
规则五六七,就一个意思,搞清楚作者的意思,意图,不要产生歧义。这里面有一一对应的几个层次:words∽terms. Sentence ~proposition. Paragraph or paragraphs or many sentences ~ arguments. 检验有没有真的搞懂作者的方法有两个:一是用自己的语言转述;二是可以举例说明。规则七中,找到作者的观点,有些书有重要的段落直接表明了,有书跨很多段落,把分开的句子自己组装,才能表达作者的观点。
rule 8:Find out the solution of the author