Beauty is a perceived slate of pleasing aesthetics; the opposite of ugliness, with plainness being a neutral condition in between. Beauty is a subjective determination, but also may be the product of objective factors.
The notion of an objective definition of beauty is often challenged, but in most cases sufficient objective elements exist to result in numerous individuals agreeing that a person, place, or thing is beautiful.Elements may be identified that, if changed, would reduce the beauty of an object; or their reproduction would render different objects similarly beautiful.
Beauty may be found through any physical sense (such as visual auditory, or olfactory), or in some combination of senses, or even in abstractions, such as when the personality of an individual or the functionality of a thing is said to make them beautiful.
Beauty may also result from the use of languages in an elegant and pleasing fashion. Assuming that not only human speech, but also mathematics, music, painting, cooking, dance, and indeed most human endeavors develop a language over time, use of that language can result in a perception of beauty.Universally human themes be expressed to such a degree that even those who are not fluent in the language can appreciate it. Thus, a beautiful poem in a foreign language may be appreciated for its rhythm and lyricism even though it is not understood.
In almost all cases, greater understanding of the language is rewarded with the possibility of expanded beauty. Knowing the language of the poem allows its story to unfold. Knowing the rules of poetry allows appreciatjon of how the rules are followed and how they are defied.Familiarity with described experiences allows metaphors to touch the heart, and knowing uncommon references allows deeper understanding.
Overexposure to a beautiful object of over-repetition of its extracted traits may dull appreciation, though there appear to be some traits (such as proportional relationships)that endure. Consequently, notions of beauty can change over time
Aspects of beauty are subject tocommercializationdaiization and marketing, as well as fads.
that shared appreciation is so clouded by cultural influences that it can be better explained in terms of sexual politics, or class or racial politics, or the social history of a group, or even biological cues. Because they are many aspects of being human, these dialects impact the language of beauty, but they do not define it.
