作者: Wilbur_ | 来源:发表于2021-06-27 09:37 被阅读0次

most are just elements that help structure the html page. (I wondered why markdown is called markdown because HTML's M stands for markup ??)
Anyway, interesting to get to know all this stuff.


<q>, <em>, <a> are all inline elements. The content in these elements flows in line with the rest of the content in the containing element.

User the
element when you need to insert your own linebreaks.

is an "empty element"

Empty elements have no content.

A nested element is an element contained completely within another element. If your elements are nested properly, all your tags will match correctly.

You make an HTML list using two elements in combination: use <ol> with <li> for an ordered list; use <ul> with <li> for an unordered list.

When the browser displays an ordered list, it creates the numbers for the list so you don't have to.


You can specify your own ordering in an ordered list with the start attribute. To change the values of the individual items, use the value attribute.

You can build nested lists within lists by putting <ol> or <ul> elements inside your <li> elements
Use entities for special characters in your HTML content.

Most web hosting companies support a method of file transfer called FTP, which stands for File Transfer Protocol. You'll find a number of applications out there that will allow you to transfer your files via FTP

Linking into a page

<a> element can play two roles: you've already seen it act as the jumping off point for traveling from one page to another, but it can also act as a landing point or destination of a link.

When you use an <a> element to create a destination, we call that a "destination anchor." Creating a destination anchor is straightforward. Here's how you can do it in three short steps:

  1. Find the location in the page where you'd like to create a landing spot. This can be any text on the page, but often is just a short piece of text in a heading.
  2. Wrap the text within an <a> element.
  3. Choose a identifier name for the destination, like "coffee" or "summary" or "bio", and insert an id attribute into your <a> element.

You already know how to link to pages using either relative links or URLs. In either case, to link more specifically to a destination anchor in a page, just add a # on the end of the your link, followed by the destination anchor identifier. So if you wanted to link from any StarBuzz Coffee Web page to the "chai" destination anchor you'd write your <a> element link this:
<a href="index.html#chai">See Chai Tea</a>

Linking to a new window

you could tell the browser to use a different window by adding a target attribute to the <a> element
The value of the target attribute tells the browser the "target window" for the page. If you use "_blank" for the target, the browser will always open a new window to display the page. Let's take a closer look:
<A target="_blank" href="" title="google">google</a>


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