Deep work: Focusintensely with no distractions: phone, social media, TV, Inefficient study group
Quality of work = Time x intensity of focus
Time Management
5min (morning/before bed): plan the day ahead
- work
- study
- personal
- deadline
Things to remember: scratch sheet in the pocket
1) Keep a work progress journal
- What to accomplish?
- Uncompleted - Why?
2)Give yourself energy
- Vegetables, fruits, protein, whole grains
3)Make it an event
- Go to coffee shop, library
4) Build a routine - must study hour
5)Choose your hard days
- For procrastinators: Day before Exams
- Plan things ahead of time
When to start? - Early (Now!)
How long?
- Less than 1 hour a break
- Breaks should be small: 10min
- In isolation
- No distractions
- Exceptions: study groups (technical courses), plan with right people
Go to class!
- In non technical courses: Only take note big ideas, summary efficiently
- Technical courses: write down everything you can (from example problems)
Consistent work > cramming -> study a little almost everyday
For memorization: flash cards
Quiz and recall method: replicate what you have learnt
- Psychology: explain a concept\term in your own words
- Math: do a problem from scratch
Professor makes exams from past years available
- Use them near the end: under real exam condition
- do study: test books and notes
Taking the exams:
- Quick scan: review the exam before starting
- Time for test #of problems, #time buffer
- answer from easiest to hardest
- Adopt different study habits
- Will become second nature