19 Tiny Habits That Lead to Huge Results
If you want to build something big, if you have a vision, a dream, or even just a clearly defined end goal, the question is not how you can make that happen right now, or tomorrow.
Nicolas Cole Follow Jan 17, 2018
4 min read
- 少说多做,如果承诺了什么就要做到底()
- 保持每天记录的习惯(这里我推荐可以进行每日复盘,把每天自己有什么好的想法都记录下来,或者是经历什么有何感想,促进自己思考等等的都记录下来,每天都整理复盘成文档)
- 不说谎(不要为了某种目的、虚荣心等而朝自己有利的地方说谎)
- 花时间在自己亲近的朋友(我们处在社会,多少需要人际关系,我们往往花更多的时间在虚拟的空间上,和一群不认识的人聊天,抒发自己的情绪,但亲近的朋友却晾在一边,久而久之就成了路人)
- 多练习(自己想成为怎样的人,就要多付出)
- 去运动场所(身体乃最初的资本,有好身体才能支撑我们做想做的事)
- 观察周边的人成就你成为怎样的人(很认同这句话,这是事实,当你不满意你的生活了,你可以看看你周边的人是怎么样的,原本一个单纯的人,如果进入一个满是形式主义、推卸责任、不追求技术的地方,那么几年以后,这个单纯的人也可能是一个大腹便便的人,所以多观察周边的人,多思考自己想成为的人,对事物该感到厌恶就厌恶,该喜欢就喜欢)
- 读书(保持阅读的习惯,1+1+1+1+1+1>4+3)
Success doesn’t happen in an instant.
It happens through the progression of lots of little successes, strung together over time.
The question is:
“What habits can I put into place that will allow that end goal to manifest itself?”
1. Do what you say you’re going to do.
Step 1 with anything: Less talk, more action.
2. Journal once per day.
Even if it’s just a paragraph, or three sentences, or jeez, one sentence, do a quick check-in to see where you’re at and write it down.
Long term, this will keep you grounded and sane. It all starts with acknowledgement.
3. Never lie.
As my grandma used to say, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”
4. Always make time for your closest friends.
A buddy of mine manages a few very, very successful music artists, and he told me once, “I’ve seen it: You could have all the money in the world, but if you traded your friends to get there, you won’t be happy.”
5. Practice your craft.
What may just be a hobby now could one day be something very special. If you love it, practice it.
Don’t be that 40-year-old guy who says to every young person he or she meets, “I used to want to be a guitar player!”
Well, why aren’t you still playing then?!
6. Go to the gym.
Or the yoga studio.
Or run up and down the block.
Just be physically active.
There’s nothing sexy about not being able to walk up a flight of stairs.
7. Surround yourself with people who represent what you ultimately want to become.
This is a habit and a choice.
If you aren’t happy with where you’re at or where you’re going, take a hard look at the people around you.
Chances are, they’re in a similar boat, and as long as you stay in that situation, neither of you are moving any time soon.
8. Read.
If the only reading you do is perezhilton.com, then you need to hit up Amazon and buy a Kindle.
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from: https://medium.com/@nicolascole77/19-tiny-habits-that-lead-to-huge-results-2f71a8da6be9