

作者: 聊愈的长谨鹿 | 来源:发表于2022-11-06 17:43 被阅读0次

建立有效的系统,而不是建立伟大的目标 not on setting yourself ambitious goals, but setting yourself an effective system。这个系统可以精确具体的告诉你一天的什么时间要做什么事情。






步骤二:如果保证持续按照计划执行。how do you stick to this.「推荐JAMSE Clear 的《量子习惯》」








I've been a research scientist, management consultant, lawyer, investor, and a lot of people ask me, how do I scale up in different fields, and that's what I wanted to share with everybody today. And for me, the key insight is about a system, not a goal by which I mean you should focus your attention not on setting yourself ambitious goals, but setting yourself an effective system and this of which I mean is a system that you execute mindlessly like a computer. But by following it, it will lead you to great results. Let me talk in more detail about what I mean first. 

In terms of system. I mean, something very precise. It tells you exactly what you should be doing at different times of the day. So many of you ask, can I speak Chinese, the answer is yes. Most of my work is in Chinese and the reason I'm able to speak mandarin to that kind of professional standard is because I used a system and the system told me in the morning I'll learn say, for example, 15 new words my frequency dictionary during the day. I'll write these articles on this day. I'll do lessons with native speakers and I put a lot of thought in that system and all I did was executed for one to two years and the results came what I didn't do was just say I'm going to be flew into mandarin in two years time and then just like when often did a bunch of random things, but it comes onto my second point, 

how do you design the system, this is the most important thing. It's not the goal setting. It's not the time spent because if you spend time on useless stuff. Then it doesn't matter how much time you spend on the top, you saw a little bit of it. The system is the most important thing and so you should be spending before you embark on a new endeavor several weeks sprinkling out what are the most efficient things to do. And this I use the 80 20 which I talked to about previously. I identified 20% of things that give 80% of the output. Let me give a very simple example fitness. Let's suppose you want to get fitter. Instead of saying I want to like run a 10 k. 50 minutes or whatever. Why don't you look to see what the best systems are for optimizing running. And just execute that or for example, myself, I wanted to get fitter. I read from science the high intensity interval training is the most effective. That's what I do and I designed a system around that. So put your effort into designing an effective system. Look at 80 20. Look at what practitioners do. Emulate what the most successful people do in your chosen field.

 Now, how do you stick to this. While sticking to something. I think there's no better book to read than atomic habits by James clear, which I previously reviewed that all about good habit formation for me, though one of the most important concepts is identity identifying with your system or with your pursuit by this. I mean, you make it part of yourself an important part of your identity. So instead of saying I'm going to the gym to lose weight, you're saying I go to the gym because I'm an athlete. That very subtle change has a huge effect psychologically because what you want to do becomes part of your identity and therefore you're more likely to do it rather than a goal which you can just throw out. Remember if you set yourselves ambitious goals and you fail them. Then everything can fall apart if you don't meet those goals. But if you just set yourself a system to execute, then you can keep on executing it and make grounds your progress to the same result. Finally, my recommendation to everybody quantify use metrics to track your progress. If you're training dogs, you can measure how long does it take your dog to respond to a come command if you're running. It's obvious if you're waiting with lifting weights, measure your weights week on week if you're learning languages, how much vocab do you know how many conversations with native speakers do you have, how many grammar mistakes can make. Everything can be quantified and you use that. I use that information quantitative information every month to refine my system to make sure that I'm always improving.


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