1. What is Internet (2 viable definitions):
a. An interconnection of different computer networks(有许多不同的网络连接从而构成因特网--"nut and bolt view")
b. An infrastructure that provides services to networked applications(因特网是可以为基于网络的应用提供服务的设备--"service view")
2. Components of Internet in terms of nut and bolt view:
a. millions of connected computing devices which are called "host" or "end system"(主机或终端) where the network apps are run.(i.e. mobile phone, laptop, PC, server)
b. communication links such as fiber, copper, radio, satellite and so on, which have a property called the "bandwidth" indicating the transmission rate (It measures how much data can be sent over a specific connection in a given amount of time), including wired and wireless links.
c. routers and link-layer slink layer switches, which are used to forward packets(bunch of data), which is called Packet switches.
3. more and more staff are connected into Internet.
4. What is ISP: An Internet service provider (ISP) (互联网服务供应商) is an organisation that provides services for accessing, using, or participating in the Internet including regional and global ISP. Different interconnected ISPs form Internet.
5.Protocols are control (format in which the data should be encapsulated between corresponding layers when interacting between entities) of sending and receiving of msgs
6.Internet standards: Networking standards ensure the interoperability of networking technologies by defining the rules of communication among networked devices. Networking standards exist to help ensure products of different vendors are able to work together in a network without risk of incompatibility. 通过定义网络中设备交互时的准则来去确保网络技术的可交互性(有很多不同的网络技术,但是他们都基于某一个标准的交互准则)网络标准的存在帮助确保不同公司的(技术)产品可以在互联网中一起工作而免受不兼容的风险。
7. IEFT and RFC :
RFC,Request For Comments,文件收集了有关互联网相关信息,以及UNIX和互联网社群的软件文件,以编号排定。
8.Internet in terms of services points of view:
a.Infrastructure that provides services to applications(on the end points, the apps)
b.provides programming interface to apps
i.e.: we are focusing programming on the end points rather than the inner routers whose function can be directly used by calling their APIs.
9. What is protocols: Protocols define format, order of msgs sent and received among network entities, and actions taken on msgs transmission, receipt. All communication activities in Internet governed by protocols.
10. Network structure:
a. network edges: i.e.: hosts = clients + servers (客户端与服务器统称为主机, 其中服务器位于数据中心的位置)
b. access networks and physical media: wired, wireless (communication links) (有线无线的物理媒介,交流链路)
An access network is a user network that connects subscribers to a particular service provider and, through the carrier network, to other networks such as the Internet.
Access network – the physical link(s) that connect an end system to its edge router, i.e., the first router on a path from the end system to any other distant end system. The access network technology is closely tied to physical media technology (fiber, coaxial pair, twisted pair telephone wire, radio spectrum).
A carrier network is the proprietary network infrastructure belonging to a telecommunications service provider...
(接入网是用户网络的一部分,它连接用户到某一个特定的网络供应商,通过网络供应商的carrier network, 用户可以连接上互联网。)
c. network core: interconnected routers and network of networks.(相互交织的路由器以及小网络交织而成的大网络称为网络的核心部分)
11. How to connect end systems to edge router? -- using access networks (连接终端和端由使用的是接入网,接入网的类型有以下三种:residential, institutional, mobile)
Access networks can be loosely divided into three categories:
residential access networks, connecting a home end system into the network;
institutional access networks, connecting an end system in a business or educational institution into the network;
mobile access networks, connecting a mobile end system into the network
These categories are not hard and fast; some corporate end systems may well use the access network technology that we ascribe to residential access networks, and vice versa. Our descriptions below are meant to hold for the common (if not every) case.
12. 接入网实现手段之DSL:
DSL = digital subscriber line : 数字用户电话线,是实现接入网的一种方式(连接一个终端到边缘路由器的方法)这是一条电话线,可以同时容纳语音和数据。有一个DSL modem,DSL调制解调器,可以将数字信号转换成模拟电子信号从而将数据在电话线上传播。同时语音也在同一条电话线上传播。语音和数据分别处在电话线的不同频段。经调制解调器转换的数字信号成为了模电信号,与语音共同在电话线上传播,但分别属于不同频段。其中低频段归属语音数据所有,高频段归属数据所有。所有的不同频率的模电信号由 spliter 切分成语音数据,送到另一端的电话机,数据,送到另一个终端(ISP),这个中转站叫做 DISLAM。这条混合有数据和语音信息的电话线是dedicated 的,即只终端与终端之间可见的而非公开的。
Splitter 的频谱划分示意图:从左到右为:语音数据,上传数据,下载数据。
可见,下载数据的频带比上传数据的频带要宽阔,这是因为一般来说,下载数据的用户比上载数据的用户要多,但这逐渐也在发生改变。所以 下载速度一般快于上载速度。无论如何,使用DSL作为接入网手段,其数据率是与距离成反比的。
13. 接入网实现手段之有线电视-- cable network:
如下示意图:不同之处仅仅在于将上述的电话换成了有线电视(依然为模拟信号),其余设备保持以及原理不变。同时,另外一个不同之处在于,这个是公共的,非dedicated的,是shared的(如下图,所有邻居都把调制好的信号输送到同一条线之中),和邻居公用接入网的线路,所以数据的传输率取决于同一时段线路上的负载。负载高数据率小。不同的频段传播不同的信息,有电视信号和数据信号。无论 Cable networks 还是 DSL, 上载速度都是小于下载速度的,所以都是 Asymmetric 的。连接各个家庭到ISP的链路采用的是光纤。
14. 家庭网的接入(无线WIFI与有线的混合):
15. 企业级的接入网(以太局域网接入):(以太网可以理解为局域网,以太网是局与电网的一种实现方式,一种技术标准,现在多数使用以太网技术来去实现局域网。)
16. 纯无线的接入方式:
shared wireless access network connects end system to router via base station aka “access point”:
17. 以上所讲述的都是接入网的存在方式,而互联网的核心(core)包括互联网中互相连接的路由器,交换机以及内部与端由的链接(mesh of interconnected routers/switches)。如下图所示的红色部分:灰色为 end systems 或为接入网部分。
18. 交换网络的两种形式(数据传输的两种方式)
Packet-switched networks move data in separate, small blocks -- packets -- based on the destination address in each packet. When received, packets are reassembled in the proper sequence to make up the message. (大规模用于互联网中)
点到点的Circuit-switched networks require dedicated point-to-point connections during calls.(不用于互联网中尚用于电话交流中)
分段传输19. 实现 circuit switching 的两种方式 -- TDM & FDM(两种经典的信道复用技术):
由于在 circuit switching 中两个用户是只占据一个信道来通信的,为了节约信道,发展出来信道复用技术,使得同一个信道可以被多对不同的用户公用而达到节约新到目的(频分复用里面,不同传输之间互相保密,因为同一时间占用不同频带):时分复用(所有用户在不同的时间占相同的频带)与频分复用(同一时间内不同用户占用不同频带):