Usage: Main [--extdir <dir>] [task] [task-options] [task data]
browse - Display selected messages in a specified destination.
bstat - Performs a predefined query that displays useful statistics regarding the specified broker
consumer - Receives messages from the broker
create - Creates a runnable broker instance in the specified path.
decrypt - Decrypts given text
dstat - Performs a predefined query that displays useful tabular statistics regarding the specified destination type
encrypt - Encrypts given text
export - Exports a stopped brokers data files to an archive file
list - Lists all available brokers in the specified JMX context
producer - Sends messages to the broker
purge - Delete selected destination's messages that matches the message selector
query - Display selected broker component's attributes and statistics.
start - Creates and starts a broker using a configuration file, or a broker URI.
stop - Stops a running broker specified by the broker name.
Task Options (Options specific to each task):
--extdir <dir> - Add the jar files in the directory to the classpath.
--version - Display the version information.
-h,-?,--help - Display this help information. To display task specific help, use Main [task] -h,-?,--help
Task Data:
- Information needed by each specific task.
于是再去找解决方案,最后发现是要输入 activemq start 命令的,如下:
D:\soft\apache-activemq-5.15.2\bin>activemq start
java.io.IOException: Failed to bind to server socket: stomp:// due to: java.net.BindException: Address already in use:
然后我把端口号改成别的,依然是报错,没办法就继续百度解决办法,最后找到的结果说是因为启动了 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)服务的原因,我想起了之前买了一个tplink无线网卡用来做无线热点的设置中确实有启动 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)服务的步骤,于是就把这个服务关闭了,然后再次执行 activemq start 命令,终于启动成功了,不过有点麻烦的是无线热点就不能用了,除非重新启动该服务。